| - The description of 10 new species of the tribes Oxypodini, Hoplandriini and Aleocharini is given: Diacanthochara amazonica spec. nov., Diacanthochara cayennensis spec. nov., Alogotheke guyanense gen. nov., spec. nov., Hoplandria struyvei spec. nov., Hoplandria amazonica spec. nov., Paraplandria guyanensis spec. nov., Taplandria guyanensis gen. nov., spec. nov., Taplandria guyminuta spec. nov., Taplandria struyvei spec. nov., Aleochara (Aleochara) serrula spec. nov. The new genera proposed are the following: Alogotheke gen. nov. of the Oxypodini and Taplandria gen. nov. of the Hoplandriini. Diacanthochara rufescens (PACE, 1983) is proposed as new combination for Cousya rufescens PACE, 1983, Taplandria loretensis (PACE, 2008) is the new combination proposed for Platandria loretensis PACE, 2008. Additional distributional records are reported for 4 species. All the new species and new genera are illustrated and compared with nearest species or genera.
| - The description of 10 new species of the tribes Oxypodini, Hoplandriini and Aleocharini is given: Diacanthochara amazonica spec. nov., Diacanthochara cayennensis spec. nov., Alogotheke guyanense gen. nov., spec. nov., Hoplandria struyvei spec. nov., Hoplandria amazonica spec. nov., Paraplandria guyanensis spec. nov., Taplandria guyanensis gen. nov., spec. nov., Taplandria guyminuta spec. nov., Taplandria struyvei spec. nov., Aleochara (Aleochara) serrula spec. nov. The new genera proposed are the following: Alogotheke gen. nov. of the Oxypodini and Taplandria gen. nov. of the Hoplandriini. Diacanthochara rufescens (PACE, 1983) is proposed as new combination for Cousya rufescens PACE, 1983, Taplandria loretensis (PACE, 2008) is the new combination proposed for Platandria loretensis PACE, 2008. Additional distributional records are reported for 4 species. All the new species and new genera are illustrated and compared with nearest species or genera.