As part of our research on shallow lakes and ponds, we surveyed benthic macrofauna and microcrustaceans in an hunting pond at Talais in the Medoc area (France). One hundred taxa were identified, of which Pseudohydryphantes parvulus K.H. Viets, 1907, a new citation for France, and eight other taxa new for Aquitaine or the Gironde. The extraordinary result of this inventory highlights gaps in three taxonomic groups: Diptera with aquatic larvae, Hydracarina and Ostracods, rarely inventoried in these ecosystems. We briefly discuss the interests of these groups for shallow waters ponds bioindication.
As part of our research on shallow lakes and ponds, we surveyed benthic macrofauna and microcrustaceans in an hunting pond at Talais in the Medoc area (France). One hundred taxa were identified, of which Pseudohydryphantes parvulus K.H. Viets, 1907, a new citation for France, and eight other taxa new for Aquitaine or the Gironde. The extraordinary result of this inventory highlights gaps in three taxonomic groups: Diptera with aquatic larvae, Hydracarina and Ostracods, rarely inventoried in these ecosystems. We briefly discuss the interests of these groups for shallow waters ponds bioindication.
Labat, F. & Serrette, D. 2015. Note de chasse dans une mare de tonne à Talais (Gironde) : nouveaux taxons pour la faune de France et pour l'Aquitaine. <em>Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux</em>, 43(1): 3-12.