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Paulmier (2013)
Paulmier (2013)
The genus Oliva (Olividae family), is represented in the West Indies and in French Guiana, where individuals of the different species occupy the mainly sandy biotopes, most frequently at depths from between 5 and 30 meters. Generally, 2 species appear in the malacological fauna lists of these regions, Oliva reticularis, along with numerous synonyms, whose olorinella form is here considered as a particular taxon, and Oliva scripta. New studies have increased their number: Oliva bifasciata, often confused with O. reticularis, Oliva tisiphona already known in the Caribbean and mentioned for the first time in the French West Indies, one new species, described here, Oliva lilacea, 1 unidentified and unnamed species, Oliva sp. and 4 (or 5) in French Guiana : Oliva scripta, Oliva barbadensis, O. nivosa, and 2 other species one of which recently cited, O. reticularis and O. circinata. With a view to clarifying the descriptions of already established species, biometric elements, subjected to statistical comparison tests, including comparisons of average interdimensional reports and proportions have been introduced to appreciate interspecific differences better and to reduce the element of subjectivity. In the future, more effective analytical methods need to be used in order to individualize better the often very similar taxonomy.
The genus Oliva (Olividae family), is represented in the West Indies and in French Guiana, where individuals of the different species occupy the mainly sandy biotopes, most frequently at depths from between 5 and 30 meters. Generally, 2 species appear in the malacological fauna lists of these regions, Oliva reticularis, along with numerous synonyms, whose olorinella form is here considered as a particular taxon, and Oliva scripta. New studies have increased their number: Oliva bifasciata, often confused with O. reticularis, Oliva tisiphona already known in the Caribbean and mentioned for the first time in the French West Indies, one new species, described here, Oliva lilacea, 1 unidentified and unnamed species, Oliva sp. and 4 (or 5) in French Guiana : Oliva scripta, Oliva barbadensis, O. nivosa, and 2 other species one of which recently cited, O. reticularis and O. circinata. With a view to clarifying the descriptions of already established species, biometric elements, subjected to statistical comparison tests, including comparisons of average interdimensional reports and proportions have been introduced to appreciate interspecific differences better and to reduce the element of subjectivity. In the future, more effective analytical methods need to be used in order to individualize better the often very similar taxonomy.
Paulmier, G. 2013. La famille des Olividae Latreille, 1825 (Neogastropoda). Le genre <i>Oliva</i> Bruguière, 1789, aux Antilles et en Guyane françaises. Description de <i>Oliva lilacea</i> nov. sp. <i>Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux</i>, 148(4): 437-454.