_:b1218586 _:b1218592 . _:b1218595 . "A deep chlorophyll maximum layer is a subsurface layer in an ocean or lake in which the concentration of chlorophyll is at its maximum. " . _:b1218590 . _:b1218596 _:b1218595 . _:b1218594 . _:b1218591 . _:b1218586 . _:b1218587 _:b1218588 . _:b1218592 _:b1218591 . _:b1218593 . _:b1218587 . _:b1218589 . "Logical def is incomplete. Need to express the idea of maximum chlorophyll. This could follow a pattern like:\n\nX has_maximum_levels_of Y relative_to Z, i.e. DCM has_maximum_levels_of chlorophyll relative_to subsurface_aquatic_layer\n\nMay also be useful to include has_decreased_levels_of light intensity relative_to surface aquatic layer\n" . "subsurface chlorophyll maximum layer" . _:b1218589 . _:b1218588 . . . _:b1218593 _:b1218594 . "deep chlorophyll maximum layer" . _:b1218594 _:b1218596 . _:b1218596 . _:b1218593 . _:b1218593 . _:b1218590 _:b1218589 . _:b1218588 _:b1218590 . _:b1218595 . _:b1218591 _:b1218587 . _:b1218586 . _:b1218592 . _:b1218587 .