. "2009-04-24" . "Example: the one-degree bounding box with opposite corners at (longitude=10, latitude=20) and (longitude=11, latitude=21) would be expressed in well-known text as POLYGON ((10 20, 11 20, 11 21, 10 21, 10 20))"@en . "Footprint WKT"@en . . "A Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the shape (footprint, geometry) that defines the Location. A Location may have both a point-radius representation (see decimalLatitude) and a footprint representation, and they may differ from each other."@en . . "DataSets/DataSet/Units/Unit/Gathering/FootprintWKT (ABCD v2.06b)" . "recommended" . "2008-11-19" . . .