. "Savina, H. & Chevin, H. 2012. Contribution \u00E0 l'inventaire des Hym\u00E9nopt\u00E8res Symphytes du d\u00E9partement de l'Ari\u00E8ge et compl\u00E9ment sur les plantes-h\u00F4tes des esp\u00E8ces du genre Abia inf\u00E9od\u00E9es aux Dipsacaceae. Bulletin de la soci\u00E9t\u00E9 entomologique de France, 117(1): 53-70." . . "Contribution to the inventory of Hymenoptera Symphyta from Ariege department and additions about host plants for species of the genus Abia living on Dipsaeaceae. This first list of Hymenoptera Symphyta from Ariege includes 241 species. After a brief description of the area of study, the list provides, for each species, the known host plants, the number and sex of examined specimens. the localities and the dates or periods of collection. An analysis highlights the rare or new species for France. Ten species are cited as new records for the French fauna: Dolerus coracinus. Amauronematus squalidus, Hypolaepus pseudodispar, H. responder's, H. stichi, H. viridissimus, Pontania coriacea. P. polita. P. prussica and Pristiphora alpestris. New host plants are also recorded: Knautia godetii for both Abia fulgens and A. sericea, Knautia maxima for Abia mutica." . "2012"^^ . "2012"^^ . "Savina & Chevin (2012)" . . "Contribution to the inventory of Hymenoptera Symphyta from Ariege department and additions about host plants for species of the genus Abia living on Dipsaeaceae. This first list of Hymenoptera Symphyta from Ariege includes 241 species. After a brief description of the area of study, the list provides, for each species, the known host plants, the number and sex of examined specimens. the localities and the dates or periods of collection. An analysis highlights the rare or new species for France. Ten species are cited as new records for the French fauna: Dolerus coracinus. Amauronematus squalidus, Hypolaepus pseudodispar, H. responder's, H. stichi, H. viridissimus, Pontania coriacea. P. polita. P. prussica and Pristiphora alpestris. New host plants are also recorded: Knautia godetii for both Abia fulgens and A. sericea, Knautia maxima for Abia mutica." . "Savina & Chevin (2012)" .