"A new species of Cicadas (Homoptera:Cicadoidea) belonging to the family of the Tibicinidae and to the genus Ueana Distant, 1905 is described." . "Boulard (1993)" . . "1993"^^ . "Boulard (1993)" . "1993"^^ . "A new species of Cicadas (Homoptera:Cicadoidea) belonging to the family of the Tibicinidae and to the genus Ueana Distant, 1905 is described." . "Boulard, M. 1993. Description d'une Cigale originaire de Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie (Homoptera, Cicadoidea, Tibicinidae). L'Entomologiste, 49(5): 261-264.
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