"An inventory of Mitaraka's insects, in the South of French Guiana, was realized from 11 to 21 August 2015 by the Societe entomologique Antilles-Guyane (SEAG) during the expedition MNHN-La Planete Revisitee. During this study, larvae of anthophagous and myrmecophile insects were found associated with an herbaceous liana: Dioclea guianensis Benth. (Fabaceae), abundant on the inselbergs close to the base camp. The breeding was ended by using Dioclea virgata (Rich.) Amshoff as substitute foodplant, which is another close and abundant plant on the French Guiana coast. Other identical caterpillars of Lycaenidae and Riodinidae were found as well as a new Riodinidae when collecting the foodplant in the area of Cayenne. The breeding allowed us to get adults of seven Lycaenidae species, two Riodinidae species (Lepidoptera) and four parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Four cases of cryptic larval polychromatism related to the color of the eating part of the plant are presented in this work. We illustrate the last instar larva, the pupa, and male and female adults of each species; we give their distribution." . "Faynel et al. (2017)" . "Faynel, C., B\u00E9n\u00E9luz, F., Br\u00FBl\u00E9, S. & Fernandez, S. 2017. Dioclea guianensis et Dioclea virgata (Fabaceae) : plantes-h\u00F4tes de nombreux Lycaenidae et Riodinidae en Guyane. Exemples de polychromatisme larvaire cryptique (Lepidoptera). Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie, 26(3) : 135-143." . "2017"^^ . . . "An inventory of Mitaraka's insects, in the South of French Guiana, was realized from 11 to 21 August 2015 by the Societe entomologique Antilles-Guyane (SEAG) during the expedition MNHN-La Planete Revisitee. During this study, larvae of anthophagous and myrmecophile insects were found associated with an herbaceous liana: Dioclea guianensis Benth. (Fabaceae), abundant on the inselbergs close to the base camp. The breeding was ended by using Dioclea virgata (Rich.) Amshoff as substitute foodplant, which is another close and abundant plant on the French Guiana coast. Other identical caterpillars of Lycaenidae and Riodinidae were found as well as a new Riodinidae when collecting the foodplant in the area of Cayenne. The breeding allowed us to get adults of seven Lycaenidae species, two Riodinidae species (Lepidoptera) and four parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Four cases of cryptic larval polychromatism related to the color of the eating part of the plant are presented in this work. We illustrate the last instar larva, the pupa, and male and female adults of each species; we give their distribution." . . "2017"^^ . "Faynel et al. (2017)" .