. "Streito, J.-C., Fontaine, O., Atiama, M., Genson, G., Pierre, E., Sadeyen, J., Frago, E. & Nibouche, S. 2018. Pr\u00E9sence sur l'\u00EEle de La R\u00E9union de deux esp\u00E8ces de Punaises pr\u00E9datrices potentiellement utilisables pour la lutte biologique : Orius naivashae et Cyrtopeltis callosus (Hemiptera, Anthocoridae et Miridae). Bulletin de la Soci\u00E9t\u00E9 entomologique de France, 123 (1) : 29-42." . "Streito et al. (2018)" . . . "In the process of finding out alternatives to chemical control in horticultural settings in Reunion island, two predatory bugs have been discovered: Orius naivashae (Poppius, 1920) (Heteroptera, Anthocoridae) and Cyrtopeltis callosus Odhiambo, 1961 (Heteroptera, Miridae). These two species are already known in Eastern Africa; they are now established in the island and their voluntary introduction is unlikely. O. naivashae has already been studied in South Africa as a biological control agent, and is therefore a predator with potential interest for controlling pests, especially in integrated pest management programs. However, the biology of C. callosus is so far little known and future studies are needed to allow its use as a biological control agent." . "2018"^^ . "Streito et al. (2018)" . "In the process of finding out alternatives to chemical control in horticultural settings in Reunion island, two predatory bugs have been discovered: Orius naivashae (Poppius, 1920) (Heteroptera, Anthocoridae) and Cyrtopeltis callosus Odhiambo, 1961 (Heteroptera, Miridae). These two species are already known in Eastern Africa; they are now established in the island and their voluntary introduction is unlikely. O. naivashae has already been studied in South Africa as a biological control agent, and is therefore a predator with potential interest for controlling pests, especially in integrated pest management programs. However, the biology of C. callosus is so far little known and future studies are needed to allow its use as a biological control agent." . "2018"^^ .