"Iwasa-Arai, T., Carvalho, V. & Serejo, C. 2017. Updates on Cyamidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda): redescriptions of Cyamus monodontis Lutken, 1870 and Cyamus nodosus Lutken, 1861, a new species of Isocyamus, and new host records for Syncyamus ilheusensis Haney, De Almeida and Reis, 2004. Journal of Natural History, 51(37-38): 2225-2245." . . _:b70017871 "urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:451A4857-9CFC-4C81-AF70-8DFD0D7CEB16" . _:b70017871 . "Specimens of cyamids were collected from fresh cetacean carcasses from Brazil, Iceland and New Caledonia. Identifications were based on literature and comparative material. Redescriptions based on the type series of Cyamus monodontis and Cyamus nodosus collected from narwhal Monodon monoceros are proposed, and lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated. A new species of Isocyamus was described herein, Isocyamus indopacetus sp. nov., which is characterised by the maxilliped with outer plate and two spine-like processes on the bases of gills. This is the first record of a cyamid parasitising the Longman's beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus) from New Caledonia. An updated key to Isocyamus is presented herein. Syncyamus ilheusensis is registered for the first time for the melon- headed whale Peponocephala electra and from the Clymene's dolphin Stenella clymene from Ceara, Brazil." . . . "Iwasa-arai et al. (2017)" . _:b70017870 . "Iwasa-arai et al. (2017)" . "10.1080/00222933.2017.1365965" . "2017"^^ . "Specimens of cyamids were collected from fresh cetacean carcasses from Brazil, Iceland and New Caledonia. Identifications were based on literature and comparative material. Redescriptions based on the type series of Cyamus monodontis and Cyamus nodosus collected from narwhal Monodon monoceros are proposed, and lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated. A new species of Isocyamus was described herein, Isocyamus indopacetus sp. nov., which is characterised by the maxilliped with outer plate and two spine-like processes on the bases of gills. This is the first record of a cyamid parasitising the Longman's beaked whale (Indopacetus pacificus) from New Caledonia. An updated key to Isocyamus is presented herein. Syncyamus ilheusensis is registered for the first time for the melon- headed whale Peponocephala electra and from the Clymene's dolphin Stenella clymene from Ceara, Brazil." . . . _:b70017870 . "2017"^^ . _:b70017870 . _:b70017871 . _:b70017871 . . _:b70017870 "10.1080/00222933.2017.1365965" . .