"Bigot & Picard (2004)" . "Bigot, L. & Picard, J. 2004. Les Stenoptilia fran\u00E7ais de la section lutescens. S. arvernica, esp\u00E8ce distincte de S. lutescens. Description de S. lutescens ssp. centralis n. et de S. arvernica ssp. jurassica n. (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae). R.A.R.E. Revue de l\u2019Association Roussillonnaise d\u2019Entomologie, XIII(2): 64-71." . "Two distinct specific entities (lutescens and arvernica) and several geographic subspecies from France are parted as a result of the revision of the Stenoptilia lutescens section." . . "Bigot & Picard (2004)" . . "2004"^^ . . "2004"^^ . "Two distinct specific entities (lutescens and arvernica) and several geographic subspecies from France are parted as a result of the revision of the Stenoptilia lutescens section." .