"Mazuy & Matocq (2016)" . . "Orthotylus stysi Koziskova, 1967, Heterocordylus italicus Kerzhner & Schuh, 1995 and Psallus faniae Josifov, 1974 are reported for the first time in France. Thse three species have likely been confused until now with closely related species, probably due to a relatively recent change in nomenclature for the first, and to the construction of the French key for Miridae for the second. The distribution of these species in France must still be define." . "Orthotylus stysi Koziskova, 1967, Heterocordylus italicus Kerzhner & Schuh, 1995 and Psallus faniae Josifov, 1974 are reported for the first time in France. Thse three species have likely been confused until now with closely related species, probably due to a relatively recent change in nomenclature for the first, and to the construction of the French key for Miridae for the second. The distribution of these species in France must still be define." . "Mazuy M. & Matocq A., 2016. Sur trois esp\u00E8ces pass\u00E9es inaper\u00E7ues en France jusqu\u2019\u00E0 pr\u00E9sent dans les genres Orthotylus, Heterocordylus et Psallus (Hemiptera Heteroptera Miridae). L'Entomologiste, 72(3): 159-162." . "Mazuy & Matocq (2016)" . "2016"^^ . . . "2016"^^ .