"The flower fly genus Ischiodon Sack (Diptera, Syrphidae) is revised and a new species, Ischiodonastales sp. n., is described from Madagascar. Additionally, a lectotype for Ischiodonaegyptius is designated and the first records of Ischiodonscutellaris for the Arabian Peninsula are reported. Diagnoses, illustrations, synonymies and distributional data are given for all described species, as well as an identification key to all known species." . "The flower fly genus Ischiodon Sack (Diptera, Syrphidae) is revised and a new species, Ischiodonastales sp. n., is described from Madagascar. Additionally, a lectotype for Ischiodonaegyptius is designated and the first records of Ischiodonscutellaris for the Arabian Peninsula are reported. Diagnoses, illustrations, synonymies and distributional data are given for all described species, as well as an identification key to all known species." . "Mengual (2018)" . . . _:b70016006 . _:b70016006 "10.3897/AfrInvertebr.59.24461" . "Mengual (2018)" . _:b70016006 . . "2018"^^ . "Mengual, X. 2018. A new species of Ischiodon Sack (Diptera, Syrphidae) from Madagascar. African Invertebrates, 59(1): 55-73." . . . "10.3897/AfrInvertebr.59.24461" . _:b70016006 . "2018"^^ .