. "Belenguier et al. (2021)" . . "Belenguier et al. (2021)" . "Gomphocerippus cialancensis (Nadig, 1986) and Gomphocerippus sampeyrensis (Nadig, 1986) are endemic locusts of the Cottian Alps mentioned from France for the first and only time in 2010. Since then, no data have been published. Surveys were conducted in 2019 and 2020 in the French Alps to clarify the distribution of both species. The discovery of several new stations allows to refine their French distribution. The synthesis of the available data for these two taxa, carried out by compiling data from different databases and completed by a call for data, allows us to propose an overall view of their distribution. These new stations also make it possible to specify some elements of ecology for the two species. In the light of this new information, the conservation status of the two species is discussed as well as some perspectives." . "Belenguier, L., Brichard, J., Delpon, G., Derreumaux, V., Fevrier, J., Guimier, H. & Sannier, D. 2021. Gomphocerippus cialancensis (Nadig, 1986) et Gomphocerippus sampeyrensis (Nadig, 1986) en France nouvelles donn\u00E9es et synth\u00E8se des connaissances actuelles. Materiaux Orthopt\u00E8riques et Entomoc\u00E9notiques, 26: 107-126." . "2021"^^ . . "2021"^^ . "Gomphocerippus cialancensis (Nadig, 1986) and Gomphocerippus sampeyrensis (Nadig, 1986) are endemic locusts of the Cottian Alps mentioned from France for the first and only time in 2010. Since then, no data have been published. Surveys were conducted in 2019 and 2020 in the French Alps to clarify the distribution of both species. The discovery of several new stations allows to refine their French distribution. The synthesis of the available data for these two taxa, carried out by compiling data from different databases and completed by a call for data, allows us to propose an overall view of their distribution. These new stations also make it possible to specify some elements of ecology for the two species. In the light of this new information, the conservation status of the two species is discussed as well as some perspectives." .