_:b70017706 . "Quednau, F. & Remaudi\u00E8re, G. 1994. Le genre Myzocallis Passerini, 1860: classification mondiale des sous-genres et nouvelles esp\u00E8ces Pal\u00E9arctiques (Homoptera: Aphididae). Canadian Entomologist, 126(2): 303-326." . "10.4039/Ent126303-2" . _:b70017706 . . _:b70017706 . "Quednau & Remaudi\u00E8re (1994)" . "1994"^^ . . "In the scope of a worldwide revision of the genus Myzocallis, a key of the following subgenera is presented: Agrioaphis Walker (type:Aphis myricae Kaltenbach), Californicalis subgn.nov. (type: Myzocallis agrifolicola Richards), Castaneomyzocallis Quednau and Remaudiere (type: Aphis castaneae Fitch), Globulicaudaphis Hille Ris Lambers (type: G. pakistanica H.R.L.), Lineomyzocallis Richards (type: Aphis bella Walsh), Myzocallis s.str. (type: Aphis coryli Goeze), Neodryomyzus subg.nov. (type: Myzocallis polychaetus David), Neomyzocallis Richards (type: Callipterus punctatus monell), Paramyzocallis subg.nov. (type: Myzocallis tenochca Remaudiere and Quednau), and Pasekia Aizenberg (type: Hoplocalis komareki Pasek). Four new species of Myzocallis living on various species of Quercus in southern Europe, Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan are described: M. (Neodryomyzus) naumanni sp.nov., M. (Pasekia) mediterraneus sp.nov., M. (P.) persicus sp.nov., and M. (P.) tauricus sp.nov., and a new subspecies, M. (Agrioaphis) castanicola leclanti ssp.nov., host-specific to Castanea in southern Europe. Keys are given for the species belonging to the palaearctic subgenera of Myzocallis." . . _:b70017706 "10.4039/Ent126303-2" . "In the scope of a worldwide revision of the genus Myzocallis, a key of the following subgenera is presented: Agrioaphis Walker (type:Aphis myricae Kaltenbach), Californicalis subgn.nov. (type: Myzocallis agrifolicola Richards), Castaneomyzocallis Quednau and Remaudiere (type: Aphis castaneae Fitch), Globulicaudaphis Hille Ris Lambers (type: G. pakistanica H.R.L.), Lineomyzocallis Richards (type: Aphis bella Walsh), Myzocallis s.str. (type: Aphis coryli Goeze), Neodryomyzus subg.nov. (type: Myzocallis polychaetus David), Neomyzocallis Richards (type: Callipterus punctatus monell), Paramyzocallis subg.nov. (type: Myzocallis tenochca Remaudiere and Quednau), and Pasekia Aizenberg (type: Hoplocalis komareki Pasek). Four new species of Myzocallis living on various species of Quercus in southern Europe, Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan are described: M. (Neodryomyzus) naumanni sp.nov., M. (Pasekia) mediterraneus sp.nov., M. (P.) persicus sp.nov., and M. (P.) tauricus sp.nov., and a new subspecies, M. (Agrioaphis) castanicola leclanti ssp.nov., host-specific to Castanea in southern Europe. Keys are given for the species belonging to the palaearctic subgenera of Myzocallis." . "Quednau & Remaudi\u00E8re (1994)" . "1994"^^ .