. . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . . . _:b73595952 . . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Erynnis tages" . . . _:b76509102 "3229" . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lysandra coridon" . . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Issoria lathonia" . . . . . . . . . . . . _:b76775536 . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Pieris napi" . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Erynnis tages" . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Pieris brassicae" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Panurgus banksianus" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "pollinated by (statement)" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Colias crocea" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Phorbia sepia" . . _:b73595953 "Pilosella officinarum has legal status SPMEEEV3" . _:b73595960 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73595961 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73595958 "Pilosella officinarum has biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon" . . . . . . . . _:b73595956 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73595957 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Ochlodes sylvanus" . _:b73595959 "IUCN Red List status LC" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Lycaena alciphron" . _:b73595952 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Cryptocephalus fulvus" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73595954 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73595955 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . . _:b73595948 "IUCN Red List status LC" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73595949 "IUCN Red List status LC" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Exosoma lusitanicum" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Panurgus banksianus" . _:b73595950 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Vanessa cardui" . . _:b73595951 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Pieris rapae" . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Melitaea cinxia" . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Lemonia dumi" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Melitaea athalia" . _:b75439580 "BDTFX id" . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Panurgus banksianus" . . _:b73595960 . . . _:b73595953 . . . _:b76509102 "VASCAN id" . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Aricia agestis" . _:b73595956 . . . . . . . . "Pilloselle officinale"@co . . . . . . _:b73595953 . . . . . . . . . . "\u00C9pervi\u00E8re piloselle"@co . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Colias crocea" . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lasioglossum leucozonium" . . . _:b76383203 . . . . . . . . _:b75439580 "49427" . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Formica fusca" . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Panurgus dentipes" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Melitaea cinxia" . . . . "113525" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _:b73595961 . . _:b73595952 . . . . . . . . . . . . . _:b76240543 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _:b73595951 . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lycaena alciphron" . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Eristalis arbustorum" . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . . . _:b73595948 . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lycaena tityrus" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Scolitantides orion" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lysandra bellargus" . . "Pilosella officinarum" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lasioglossum malachurum" . . . . . . _:b76484951 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lasioglossum puncticolle" . "Mouse-ear-hawkweed"@en . . . . . . . . . . _:b76484951 "gcc-76606" . . . . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Fannia incisurata" . _:b73595955 . . _:b73595958 "Biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Titanio ledereri" . . . . . . _:b73595962 . . . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Pyrgus malvae" . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . _:b73595962 . "pollinated by (statement)" . "Hieracium pilosella is pollinated by Andrena humilis" . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Dasytes incertus" . _:b73595954 . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Pegoplata aestiva" . . . . _:b73595962 . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b76775536 . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b76383203 . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Panurgus dentipes" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Heliothis viriplaca" . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Eristalis arbustorum" . . . . . _:b76383203 . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Aphantopus hyperantus" . . _:b73595955 . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Thymelicus acteon" . . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Gonepteryx rhamni" . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Adia cinerella" . . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Gonepteryx rhamni" . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Hesperia comma" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Vanessa cardui" . . . "Asteraceae" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . _:b73595961 . . . "Plantae" . . . _:b76484951 "The Plant List (TPL) id" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Aglais urticae" . _:b76775536 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73595948 . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Colias crocea" . . . . . . . "Pilosella" . . . . . . . _:b73595960 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . _:b73595951 . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Polygonia c-album" . . . _:b76484951 . . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . _:b73595957 . . . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Adia cinerella" . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . _:b73595952 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . _:b73595955 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Polyommatus icarus" . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Cryptocephalus vittatus" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Gonepteryx rhamni" . . _:b73595954 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73595957 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . . . . . . _:b73595956 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . "Hieracium pilosella symbiotically interacts with Archaeospora europaea" . . . _:b73595959 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Polygonia c-album" . . . "Hieracium pilosella provides nutrients for Cheilosia praecox" . . . "Hieracium pilosella provides nutrients for Andrena humilis" . . . . _:b73595961 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73595960 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Andrena humilis" . . "Hieracium pilosella is pollinated by Andrena humilis" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b75439580 . . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . _:b76775536 "Pilloselle officinale" . _:b76240543 "IPNI id" . . . . . . _:b73595962 . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Leucophora sericea" . . _:b76509102 . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Boloria dia" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Leucophora sericea" . . . . _:b76240543 "238219-1" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Colias hyale" . . _:b76775536 . _:b73595958 . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Colias hyale" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Exosoma lusitanicum" . . _:b76484951 . . . _:b73595949 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Cryptocephalus sericeus" . . _:b73595948 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . . . "gcc-76606" . . . _:b76383203 "2717652" . _:b73595951 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Erynnis tages" . . . _:b73595950 "Pilosella officinarum has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Cryptocephalus sericeus" . _:b73595954 . . . . . . _:b73595962 . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Cryptocephalus vittatus" . . . . . . . . . . "Asterales" . . . . . "49427" . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lasioglossum punctatissimum" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . . . _:b75674063 . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Gonepteryx rhamni" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Formica fusca" . . . . . . . "Cichorioideae" . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Panurgus dentipes" . . . "238219-1" . . _:b75439580 . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lasioglossum villosulum" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . _:b73595953 "Legal status SPMEEEV3" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lycaena virgaureae" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . _:b73595948 . . _:b73595949 . _:b73595950 . _:b73595951 . _:b73595952 . . . . . _:b75674063 "GBIF id" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73595960 . . _:b73595961 . _:b73595962 . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Pyrgus malvae" . _:b73595956 . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Issoria lathonia" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Boloria dia" . _:b73595957 . _:b73595958 . . _:b73595959 . _:b73595952 . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73595953 . . _:b73595954 . . . _:b73595955 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Phengaris arion" . . . . "Pilloselle officinale"@fr . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Fannia incisurata" . . _:b73595949 . . _:b73595957 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . _:b73595948 . . _:b76509102 . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73595951 . . _:b73595950 . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Mylabris flexuosa" . "3229" . . . . . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73595962 . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b75674063 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Cryptocephalus fulvus" . . _:b73595961 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . _:b73595960 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Pieris brassicae" . . . . _:b73595959 . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Aphantopus hyperantus" . _:b73595956 . . _:b73595955 . . . . . _:b73595954 . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . "\u00C9pervi\u00E8re piloselle"@fr . _:b73595953 . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Pieris rapae" . _:b73595952 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Thymelicus acteon" . _:b73595959 . . . . . . . . _:b73595958 . _:b73595957 . . . . _:b73595956 . . . _:b73595954 . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Mylabris flexuosa" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Pieris napi" . . . . _:b73595960 . . _:b73595961 . _:b73595959 . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Aricia agestis" . . . _:b73595951 . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Phorbia sepia" . _:b73595950 . "pollinated by (statement)" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73595949 . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Pegoplata aestiva" . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73595948 . . "pollinated by (statement)" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . _:b73595956 . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Melitaea athalia" . . "2717652" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _:b73595958 . . . . _:b75674063 "7874303" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lycaena phlaeas" . . . _:b73595960 . . . _:b75674063 . . _:b73595950 . . _:b73595961 . . . _:b73595953 . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Carterocephalus palaemon" . _:b76240543 . . . _:b73595953 . . . . _:b73595958 . . _:b73595962 "Pilosella officinarum has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . . . . _:b73595952 . . . _:b73595952 . . . _:b76509102 . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Aglais urticae" . . _:b73595949 . _:b73595954 . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Andrena minutuloides" . . . . _:b73595955 . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Panurgus dentipes" . _:b73595956 . . . . . _:b73595957 . _:b76240543 . . _:b73595949 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Scolitantides orion" . _:b73595959 . . . _:b73595953 . . . . "Hieracium pilosella symbiotically interacts with Glomus compressum" . . _:b73595957 . . _:b73595955 . . . . _:b73595957 . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . _:b73595948 . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73595949 . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . "Pilosella officinarum provides nutrients for Panurgus banksianus" . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73595950 . _:b73595951 . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73595951 . _:b73595950 . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Plebejus argus" . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Erynnis tages" . _:b73595949 . _:b76775536 . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73595948 . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Dasytes incertus" . _:b73595962 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . _:b76383203 "TROPICOS id" . _:b73595960 . _:b73595961 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . . . . _:b73595954 . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "Hieracium pilosella provides nutrients for Andrena humilis" . . . . . . _:b75439580 . . . _:b73595959 . . . . . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Lasioglossum pauxillum" . "pollinated by (statement)" . . "Pilosella officinarum is pollinated by Colias crocea" . _:b76775536 "Pilloselle officinale, \u00C9pervi\u00E8re piloselle"@fr . . _:b73595950 . _:b73595956 . "pollinated by (statement)" . "7874303" . . . . . _:b73595955 . . . . . _:b73595959 . .