"provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76423970 "28300007" . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Phyllocnistis unipunctella" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Phyllonorycter connexella" . . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . _:b73424481 . . _:b73424488 . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Trachypteris picta decostigma" . _:b73424474 . . . . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Sesia apiformis" . . . _:b73424482 . . . . _:b73424485 . . . . _:b73424482 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Populus nigra is parasitized by Longidorus apuloides" . . . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Poecilocampa populi" . . . _:b76023943 . . . . . . . . . _:b73424488 . _:b73424489 . . _:b73424490 . . _:b76280466 "IUCN Red List id" . _:b73424491 . _:b73424492 . _:b73424493 . . . _:b73424494 . . _:b73424480 . _:b73424481 . . _:b73424482 . _:b73424483 . _:b73424484 . . _:b73424485 . . _:b73424486 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424487 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424483 . _:b76546527 . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424479 "IUCN Red List status DD" . . . _:b73424478 "IUCN Red List status DD" . _:b73424477 "IUCN Red List status DD" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76252719 . . _:b73424476 "IUCN Red List status DD" . _:b73424475 "IUCN Red List status DD" . _:b73424480 . . . _:b73424474 "IUCN Red List status DD" . _:b73424473 . _:b73424474 . _:b73424475 . _:b73424473 "IUCN Red List status DD" . _:b73424476 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Laothoe populi" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Paranthrene tabaniformis" . _:b73424477 . _:b73424478 . _:b73424479 . _:b76811408 "Peuplier noir, Peuplier commun noir"@fr . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Paranthrene tabaniformis" . . . "wfo-0000928297" . . . "has endoparasite (statement)" . _:b73424490 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Nymphalis polychloros" . _:b76023943 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Heterogenea asella" . . . . . _:b75493040 . . "Populus nigra symbiotically interacts with Aphanobasidium sphaerosporum" . "Salicoideae" . _:b73424483 . . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "has endoparasite (statement)" . . . . . "3040227" . . . _:b73424481 . . "28300007" . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Limenitis populi" . . . _:b76546527 "wfo-0000928297" . . . . _:b73424484 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b76280466 . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Ectoedemia hannoverella" . . _:b73424474 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Stigmella trimaculella" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Stigmella trimaculella" . . . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Heterarthrus ochropoda" . _:b73424491 . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Stigmella trimaculella" . . . . _:b73424478 . . . . . . _:b73424487 . _:b73424486 . "Populus" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . _:b73424482 "Populus nigra has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . _:b73424485 . _:b73424484 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76811408 . _:b73424490 . . . . _:b73424489 . . . _:b73424494 . . _:b73424474 . _:b73424473 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . . _:b73424493 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76423970 . _:b73424492 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424481 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Fenusella glaucopis" . _:b73424475 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . . . . . . _:b73424474 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . . . . _:b73424480 . _:b73424477 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . . . _:b73424482 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Phyllocnistis unipunctella" . . _:b73424476 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . . _:b73424483 . "Peuplier commun noir"@fr . . _:b73424479 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . . _:b73424478 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . _:b73424485 . . . . . . . "Malpighiales" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73424492 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Tethea or" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424484 "IUCN Red List status DD" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424483 "IUCN Red List status DD" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424475 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424474 . _:b73424481 "IUCN Red List status DD" . . _:b73424489 . _:b73424473 . _:b73424480 "IUCN Red List status DD" . . _:b73424479 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Notodonta ziczac" . _:b73424478 . . _:b76546527 . . _:b73424477 . . _:b73424476 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73424481 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . _:b73424480 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424483 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Stigmella trimaculella" . . _:b73424484 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status DD" . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Chaitophorus leucomelas" . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Stigmella trimaculella" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Stigmella trimaculella" . _:b76546527 "WFO (World Flora Online) id" . . _:b76493907 . _:b73424486 . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Acossus terebra" . _:b76252719 "IPNI id" . . . . . . . _:b75493040 . . "kew-5000337" . . . . . . _:b75493040 . . . . . . . . . . "has endoparasite (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . . . "parasitized by (statement)" . . _:b73424475 . . . . _:b73424477 . _:b73424476 . _:b73424476 . _:b73424478 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Adoxophyes orana" . _:b73424479 . "Populus nigra has endoparasite Euwallacea fornicatus" . . . . . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Phyllonorycter populifoliella" . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Lamia textor" . . _:b73424473 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76280466 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Stigmella trimaculella" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . "Populus nigra has endoparasite Anisandrus dispar" . . . . . . . . . . _:b73424494 . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73424491 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73424490 . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Fenusella hortulana" . . . . _:b73424489 . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73424477 . _:b76423970 . _:b73424488 . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . "parasitized by (statement)" . _:b76423970 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73424489 . _:b73424494 . _:b73424475 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73424473 . _:b73424493 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Leucoptera sinuella" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424492 . . . _:b76493907 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76252719 . _:b73424483 . . "Black-poplar"@en . . . _:b73424492 . _:b73424482 . . . _:b73424481 . . . . _:b73424480 . . . _:b73424487 . . . . . _:b73424486 . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424485 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424484 . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Pterocomma populeum" . . . "Plantae" . _:b76423970 "TROPICOS id" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Ectoedemia hannoverella" . _:b73424493 . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424473 . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . _:b73424475 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Furcula furcula" . . . . _:b73424474 . _:b73424491 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73424473 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Fenusella hortulana" . . _:b73424479 . . _:b73424478 . . . _:b73424477 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Phyllonorycter populifoliella" . _:b73424490 . . _:b73424476 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Psallus vicinus" . _:b73424488 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Gelechia turpella" . _:b73424476 . . _:b73424482 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . . "Peuplier commun noir"@co . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Apatura iris" . . . _:b75493040 "BDTFX id" . . . . "115145" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Saperda punctata" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424479 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424487 . _:b76493907 . _:b76023943 "3040227" . _:b76546527 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Catocala nupta" . . . . . . . . . _:b73424488 . . . . . _:b73424489 . . . . _:b73424490 . . _:b73424494 . _:b73424491 . . _:b73424487 . _:b73424492 . _:b73424491 . _:b73424493 . _:b76811408 . . _:b73424494 . _:b73424488 . . _:b73424483 . . _:b73424481 . _:b76023943 . _:b73424480 . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Trichiocampus grandis" . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Ectoedemia hannoverella" . _:b73424485 . "52030" . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Synanthedon vespiformis" . _:b73424492 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73424486 . . _:b73424493 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73424484 . . _:b73424487 . _:b73424494 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . . . _:b73424489 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status LC" . "63530" . _:b73424488 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . _:b73424488 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73424486 . _:b73424489 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b76280466 "63530" . _:b73424474 . . _:b73424491 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73424490 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . _:b73424490 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73424491 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73424493 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73424492 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73424485 "IUCN Red List status LC" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76811408 . _:b73424486 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b76252719 "776790-1" . _:b73424494 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73424487 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Paranthrene tabaniformis" . _:b73424491 . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Cryptocephalus sulphureus" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Fenusella hortulana" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73424485 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . . _:b73424487 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . _:b73424486 "Populus nigra has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Orthosia populeti" . . . . . _:b76811408 . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Pamphilius betulae" . _:b73424473 . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Apatura ilia" . . . . . _:b73424493 . . . . "Populus nigra" . . . . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Hypolaepus caeruleocarpus" . . . _:b73424482 . _:b73424479 . . _:b76280466 . . . . . . . _:b73424482 . _:b73424479 . . . _:b73424477 . _:b73424476 . _:b73424475 . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Acossus terebra" . . . . _:b73424477 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Agromyza albitarsis" . . _:b73424475 . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Boudinotiana notha" . "Salicaceae" . _:b73424478 . _:b73424488 . . . "Peuplier noir"@fr . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Chaitophorus populeti" . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Stigmella trimaculella" . . _:b75493040 "52030" . "Populus nigra is parasitized by Pemphigus protospirae" . . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Synanthedon melliniformis" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73424480 . . _:b73424492 . _:b73424478 . . _:b73424480 . _:b73424481 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . _:b73424494 . . "Peuplier noir"@co . . . _:b73424493 . _:b76811408 . _:b73424485 . _:b73424484 . _:b73424490 . . _:b73424489 . . _:b73424487 . _:b73424486 . _:b76811408 "Peuplier noir" . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Amphipyra pyramidea" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Cossus cossus" . . . . . . . _:b73424483 . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Pyrrhia umbra" . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Stigmella trimaculella" . . _:b76493907 "The Plant List (TPL) id" . . . . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Chaitophorus populialbae" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . . . "776790-1" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . _:b76493907 "kew-5000337" . _:b76252719 . "Populus nigra provides nutrients for Pheosia tremula" . . "Populus nigra has endoparasite Xyleborinus saxesenii" . _:b76023943 "GBIF id" . . . . _:b73424484 .