. _:b73018845 "Biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Polyn\u00E9sie fran\u00E7aise" . . "has endoparasite (statement)" . _:b73018843 "Solanum mauritianum has legal status agri2" . . _:b76549431 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b76787857 "Bois de tabac marron" . _:b73018841 . _:b73018844 . _:b73018850 . _:b73018848 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . "Solanum" . _:b76787861 "Morelle de Maurice" . _:b76787861 . _:b76787860 . _:b73018850 "Biogeographical status J (Introduit envahissant) in R\u00E9union" . _:b73018845 . _:b73018843 . . . . _:b76787858 . _:b73018842 . _:b76787861 . _:b76787860 . _:b73018841 "Biogeographical status J (Introduit envahissant) in Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" . . _:b73018844 "Biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Mayotte" . _:b76787859 . _:b76787858 . _:b73018841 . _:b76787857 . "Saria tibaku"@swb . _:b76787859 . _:b76787858 . _:b76787856 . _:b73018840 "Legal status MAYEVJ" . _:b73018840 . . _:b73018851 . . _:b76549431 "wfo-0001029408" . "Solanum auriculatum symbiotically interacts with Boidinia dendrophysata" . . _:b76480924 . . _:b76787857 . _:b76787856 . _:b73018847 . _:b73018841 . _:b73018844 . _:b76787857 . _:b76787856 . _:b73018846 . _:b73018848 . . _:b73018849 . _:b73018845 . . . . _:b75840140 "2931469" . "Tabac marron"@co . _:b76787860 . . "Plantae" . _:b73018845 . . _:b76480924 "tro-29600120" . _:b76787861 . _:b73018844 . "161873" . _:b73018840 . _:b73018847 "Solanum mauritianum has legal status NCPNEI" . _:b73018848 "Legal status NCPSEVI" . _:b73018841 . _:b76411686 . "Solanum mauritianum" . _:b73018846 . . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73018851 . _:b76549431 . _:b73018845 . _:b76787856 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . _:b76411686 . . . _:b76549431 . "Bois de tabac marron"@co . _:b73018842 . _:b76411686 "29600120" . _:b73018843 . _:b73018849 . _:b75840140 "GBIF id" . _:b73018840 . _:b73018849 "Biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . "Wild tobacco tree"@en . _:b73018841 . _:b75477777 "BDTFX id" . _:b76787857 "Bois de tabac marron, Morelle de Maurice, Arbre tabac"@fr . . . . _:b73018847 . _:b76787860 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . . _:b76787861 . "Morelle de Mauritanie"@co . . _:b73018848 "Solanum mauritianum has legal status NCPSEVI" . "330666-2" . _:b73018849 "Solanum mauritianum has biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . _:b73018844 . "Solanoideae" . _:b73018841 . . _:b75477777 "78090" . _:b73018845 . _:b76787860 . _:b76787861 . _:b76787858 . _:b76787859 . _:b76787856 . . _:b76787857 . _:b73018847 "Legal status NCPNEI" . . . . . _:b76787857 . _:b76787856 . . _:b76787860 "Saria tibaku"@swb . _:b73018849 . . . "Bringellier marron"@fr . _:b76787858 . _:b75840140 . _:b76411686 "TROPICOS id" . . _:b73018850 "Solanum mauritianum has biogeographical status J (Introduit envahissant) in R\u00E9union" . _:b73018851 "Solanum mauritianum has legal status NCONV" . . _:b76235169 . "Earleaf nightshade"@en . "Solanales" . _:b73018843 "Legal status agri2" . "Tabac marron"@fr . . _:b73018841 "Solanum mauritianum has biogeographical status J (Introduit envahissant) in Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" . "Solanum mauritianum has endoparasite Euwallacea fornicatus" . . . . _:b76235169 . _:b76480924 "The Plant List (TPL) id" . _:b75477777 . _:b76787858 "Sari lobaka"@buc . . _:b73018844 "Solanum mauritianum has biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Mayotte" . _:b73018845 "Solanum mauritianum has biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Polyn\u00E9sie fran\u00E7aise" . . . "2931469" . _:b76235169 "IPNI id" . _:b76787859 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "Arbre tabac"@co . _:b76787858 "Sari lobaka" . _:b75477777 . . . "Solanum auriculatum symbiotically interacts with Xenasma pulverulentum" . . . _:b76235169 . . _:b73018846 "Legal status agri1" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b76480924 . . . . . . _:b76787859 . "Solanaceae" . _:b73018847 . . "Solanum auriculatum symbiotically interacts with Hyphoderma definitum" . "Solanum auriculatum symbiotically interacts with Hyphoderma ayresii" . "Tree tobacco"@en . . _:b73018848 . _:b73018843 . . . . _:b73018850 . . . _:b76787856 "Bringellier marron" . _:b73018846 "Solanum mauritianum has legal status agri1" . _:b73018840 . . _:b73018846 . . _:b76787856 "Bringellier marron, Bois de tabac marron, Tabac marron"@fr . _:b73018842 . _:b73018851 "Legal status NCONV" . _:b73018851 . _:b73018846 . . _:b73018849 . "Morelle de Maurice"@co . . _:b73018845 . . . _:b73018847 . "Solanum auriculatum symbiotically interacts with Hyphoderma nudicephalum" . _:b73018842 "Legal status NCONVCS2" . _:b73018840 "Solanum mauritianum has legal status MAYEVJ" . . . . _:b73018843 . _:b73018842 "Solanum mauritianum has legal status NCONVCS2" . _:b73018842 . . _:b73018850 . . _:b73018842 . _:b73018849 . . _:b73018843 . _:b75477777 . _:b75840140 . "Arbre tabac"@fr . _:b73018842 . _:b73018840 . "Solanum auriculatum symbiotically interacts with Xenasma praeteritum" . . "29600120" . "Bringellier marron"@co . _:b76235169 "330666-2" . _:b73018846 . "Solanum auriculatum provides nutrients for Neoceratitis cyanescens" . _:b73018843 . _:b73018847 . . . _:b73018850 . "Bois de tabac marron"@fr . _:b73018847 . . . . . _:b73018851 . _:b73018846 . . . _:b73018851 . _:b73018851 . "Morelle de Mauritanie"@fr . _:b73018850 . _:b76787860 "Saria tibaku" . . _:b73018848 . . _:b73018850 . _:b76787859 "Morelle de Mauritanie" . _:b73018849 . _:b73018848 . . "wfo-0001029408" . _:b76549431 "WFO (World Flora Online) id" . _:b73018848 . _:b73018840 . _:b73018849 . "78090" . _:b76787859 "Morelle de Mauritanie"@fr . _:b73018850 . _:b73018851 . . . "Sari lobaka"@buc . . _:b73018840 . . _:b76411686 . _:b73018841 . . "Morelle de Maurice"@fr . _:b76480924 . _:b73018842 . _:b73018843 . . _:b73018844 . _:b73018845 . . _:b73018846 . "tro-29600120" . _:b73018847 . _:b76787861 "Morelle de Maurice"@fr . _:b73018848 . "Solanum auriculatum symbiotically interacts with Hyphoderma magnargillaceum" . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . _:b75840140 . _:b76787856 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . "Solanum mauritianum provides nutrients for Neoceratitis cyanescens" . . .