. . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . _:b73254166 "Legal status REUEAJ" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Aucuba japonica" . _:b75523483 "urn:lsid:faunaeur.org:taxname:250028" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Acer" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . _:b73254166 . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Carya illinoinensis" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Liquidambar styraciflua" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Morus indica" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Prunus armeniaca" . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Fagus sylvatica" . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Picea abies" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Ligustrum japonicum" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Quercus" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Acer rufinerve" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Ulmus" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Arthropoda" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Castanea" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Larix kaempferi" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Alnus" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Ziziphus jujuba" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Prunus cerasus" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Morus alba" . _:b73254166 . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Vitis vinifera" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . _:b75988970 "1216929" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Thea" . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Pyrus pyrifolia" . "Coleoptera" . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Fatsia japonica" . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Hibiscus syriacus" . _:b73254165 . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Quercus rubra" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Broussonetia kazinoki" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "Animalia" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Curculionidae" . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Tilia" . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Ulmus laevis" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Fagus" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Betula" . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Chamaecyparis obtusa" . "Xylosandrus germanus" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Taxodium distichum" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Acer palmatum" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Tsuga canadensis" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Pinus parviflora" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Salix" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Illicium anisatum" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Melia azedarach" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Acer rubrum" . _:b73254165 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Carpinus betulus" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Alnus japonica" . . . _:b73254165 "Xylosandrus germanus has biogeographical status I (Introduit) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Cornus florida" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Pinus sylvestris" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Tilia americana" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . _:b73254166 "Xylosandrus germanus has legal status REUEAJ" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Toxicodendron vernicifluum" . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . _:b75523483 . . . . . . . . . . . _:b75523483 "Fauna Europaea id" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Chamaecyparis pisifera" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Lonicera" . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Juglans regia" . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Toxicodendron" . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Tsuga" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Camellia japonica" . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Pinus strobus" . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Pinus densiflora" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Diospyros" . . _:b73254166 . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Pinus" . _:b73254165 . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Camellia sinensis" . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Acer platanoides" . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Diospyros kaki" . . . . . _:b75988970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Alnus glutinosa" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Prunus avium" . . . . . "Scolytinae" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Abies" . _:b73254165 . . . . . . . . . "1216929" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Cinnamomum camphora" . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Cephalotaxus harringtonia" . . . . . . . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Juglans nigra" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . _:b75988970 . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Vitis" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Thujopsis dolabrata" . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Rhus" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Juglans" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Castanea crenata" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Malus domestica" . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Pyrus" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Morus" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Liriodendron tulipifera" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Acer japonicum" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Carya" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Hydrangea paniculata" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Rhus typhina" . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Cornus" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Betula pendula" . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Albizia julibrissin" . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Pterocarya" . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Quercus petraea" . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Prunus serrulata" . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Firmiana simplex" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Abies firma" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Pinus resinosa" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . _:b73254165 . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Quercus robur" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . _:b73254166 . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Abies alba" . _:b73254166 . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Thuja standishii" . . . . _:b73254165 . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Toxicodendron radicans" . . . . . . . . _:b75988970 "GBIF id" . . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Hydrangea" . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Carpinus" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Senna siamea" . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Myrica" . . . . . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . _:b75523483 . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Toxicodendron succedaneum" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . "urn:lsid:faunaeur.org:taxname:250028" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Elaeagnus umbellata" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . _:b73254165 "Biogeographical status I (Introduit) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . _:b75523483 . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Torreya nucifera" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Acer pseudoplatanus" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Cinnamomum" . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Paulownia tomentosa" . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Populus tremula" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Hovenia dulcis" . . . . . . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Juglans cinerea" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Wisteria floribunda" . . _:b73254166 . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Catalpa ovata" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Prunus" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Alnus incana subsp. rugosa" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Fraxinus americana" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Fraxinus" . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . . _:b73254165 . _:b73254166 . . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Eurya" . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Platanus occidentalis" . _:b75988970 . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Acer saccharinum" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Juniperus virginiana" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Clerodendrum trichotomum" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . "Xylosandrus germanus is endoparasite of Robinia pseudoacacia" . . . "242359" . "endoparasite of (statement)" . . . "endoparasite of (statement)" . .