. _:b73805482 . "158968" . . _:b73805506 "Tringa nebularia has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in R\u00E9union" . _:b73805492 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . "parasitized by (statement)" . _:b73805478 . . "Scolopacidae" . _:b73805489 . _:b73805500 . _:b73805488 . _:b73805490 . _:b75425085 "Avibase id" . _:b73805481 . _:b73805477 "IUCN Red List status NA" . . _:b73805481 . _:b76283634 . . _:b73805504 . _:b75425085 "18B415D28BBF934C" . _:b73805495 . _:b73805506 . _:b73805495 . . . . _:b73805502 . . _:b73805483 . "Tringa nebularia has endoparasite Microphallus chabaudi" . _:b76283634 . _:b75811943 . _:b73805493 . _:b73805486 . _:b73805479 "IUCN Red List status EN" . _:b73805493 "Tringa nebularia has legal status Ngib_ch_1" . _:b73805503 "Legal status REUnoEEEA" . . _:b73805494 . . . . _:b73805477 . _:b73805479 . _:b73805488 . _:b73805505 . "Chevalier aboyeur"@fr . _:b76283634 "IUCN Red List id" . _:b73805503 . _:b73805494 "Tringa nebularia has IUCN Red List status NT" . _:b73805506 . _:b73805505 . _:b73805487 . _:b73805484 . . _:b73805485 . _:b73805484 . _:b73805496 "Tringa nebularia has biogeographical status B (Occasionnel) in Mayotte" . _:b73805478 . _:b73805504 . _:b73805493 . _:b73805506 . _:b73805501 . _:b73805502 . _:b73805496 . _:b73805503 . _:b73805504 . _:b73805496 . _:b73805506 . _:b73805498 . . . _:b73805483 . _:b73805480 . . _:b76799113 . _:b73805477 . _:b73805478 . . _:b76610064 "WoRMS id" . . _:b75425085 . _:b73805491 . . _:b73805488 "Legal status MAYEA188" . . _:b73805495 "Tringa nebularia has legal status NCPNEP" . _:b73805495 "Legal status NCPNEP" . . _:b73805502 . . . _:b73805499 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73805492 "Tringa nebularia has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . _:b76283634 . _:b73805500 "Biogeographical status B (Occasionnel) in TAAF : \u00CEles \u00E9parses" . _:b73805503 . "Common Greenshank"@en . . _:b73805496 "Biogeographical status B (Occasionnel) in Mayotte" . _:b73805485 . _:b73805501 "IUCN Red List status DD" . . . . . . _:b73805497 "Tringa nebularia has legal status GUYO2" . _:b73805491 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73805482 . _:b73805483 . _:b73805485 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73805500 . _:b73805505 . . _:b76799113 . _:b73805480 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b76799113 . _:b73805481 "Tringa nebularia has legal status OC3" . . _:b73805485 "Tringa nebularia has IUCN Red List status LC" . . "Tringa" . . "Tringa nebularia symbiotically interacts with Rhinonyssus rhinolethrum" . . _:b76799113 . _:b73805484 . . _:b73805485 . _:b73805486 . _:b76799113 . "has endoparasite (statement)" . _:b73805487 . _:b73805480 . . _:b73805481 . _:b73805478 "Legal status IBO2" . _:b73805482 . _:b73805483 . _:b73805477 . _:b73805478 . _:b73805479 . _:b75811943 . _:b73805480 "Tringa nebularia has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73805477 . _:b73805506 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in R\u00E9union" . _:b73805500 . _:b73805501 . _:b73805502 . _:b73805503 . _:b73805496 . _:b73805485 . _:b73805497 . _:b73805498 . _:b73805484 . _:b73805499 . _:b73805492 . _:b73805489 . _:b73805493 . . _:b73805494 . . _:b73805495 . _:b73805488 . _:b73805505 . _:b73805499 . _:b73805489 . _:b73805490 . "2481726" . _:b73805491 . _:b73805490 . _:b75425085 . _:b76799113 "Chevalier aboyeur" . _:b73805490 "Tringa nebularia has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in TAAF : \u00CEles sub-antarctiques" . _:b73805506 . _:b73805491 . _:b73805498 . . . _:b73805490 . . _:b73805491 "Tringa nebularia has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73805487 . "has endoparasite (statement)" . "2594" . . . _:b73805500 . _:b73805477 . . . . _:b73805499 "Tringa nebularia has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73805479 . _:b73805490 . _:b73805481 . _:b73805503 . _:b73805488 . _:b73805487 "Tringa nebularia has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon" . _:b73805504 . _:b73805486 . _:b76610064 . _:b73805480 . _:b73805486 . _:b73805506 . "has endoparasite (statement)" . _:b73805484 . _:b73805499 . _:b73805498 "Tringa nebularia has legal status IBOAE" . _:b73805500 "Tringa nebularia has biogeographical status B (Occasionnel) in TAAF : \u00CEles \u00E9parses" . _:b73805505 . _:b73805504 . _:b73805505 . _:b73805506 . _:b73805482 . _:b73805483 "Legal status GO3" . "Tringa nebularia has endoparasite Maritrema linguilla" . _:b73805499 . _:b73805497 . "Tringa nebularia has endoparasite Microphallus claviformis" . _:b73805497 "Legal status GUYO2" . _:b73805494 "IUCN Red List status NT" . _:b73805479 . _:b76283634 "22693220" . _:b73805478 . _:b73805500 . _:b73805494 . . . _:b73805489 "Tringa nebularia has legal status IBE2" . _:b73805501 "Tringa nebularia has IUCN Red List status DD" . _:b75811943 . _:b73805480 . _:b73805499 . . . _:b73805498 . . . _:b73805497 . _:b73805497 . _:b73805481 . _:b73805496 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73805490 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in TAAF : \u00CEles sub-antarctiques" . _:b73805503 . _:b73805487 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon" . _:b73805477 "Tringa nebularia has IUCN Red List status NA" . _:b73805502 . _:b73805504 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" . . _:b73805501 . _:b73805481 "Legal status OC3" . _:b73805496 . _:b73805501 . _:b73805498 . _:b73805500 . _:b73805486 "Tringa nebularia has legal status CDO22" . _:b76610064 . _:b73805491 . _:b73805491 . _:b73805502 . . _:b73805490 . _:b73805495 . _:b73805489 . _:b73805503 . _:b73805489 . _:b73805486 "Legal status CDO22" . _:b73805499 . _:b73805488 . . _:b73805502 . _:b73805495 . . _:b73805494 . _:b73805498 "Legal status IBOAE" . _:b73805492 . _:b73805484 "Tringa nebularia has IUCN Red List status NA" . _:b73805493 . _:b75811943 "GBIF id" . _:b73805493 . _:b73805488 . _:b75425085 . _:b73805492 . _:b73805483 . _:b76799113 "Chevalier aboyeur"@fr . _:b73805494 . "Chordata" . _:b73805495 . _:b73805488 "Tringa nebularia has legal status MAYEA188" . _:b73805482 . _:b73805481 . . "18B415D28BBF934C" . _:b73805482 "Biogeographical status B (Occasionnel) in Guyane" . _:b73805480 . _:b75811943 "2481726" . _:b73805499 . _:b73805487 . . _:b73805486 . _:b73805482 . "Tringa nebularia is parasitized by Aploparaksis brachyphallos" . _:b73805496 . _:b73805483 . _:b73805485 . "has endoparasite (statement)" . _:b73805501 . _:b73805484 . . _:b73805503 "Tringa nebularia has legal status REUnoEEEA" . . _:b73805505 "Tringa nebularia has legal status NCPSEP" . _:b73805490 . . _:b73805504 "Tringa nebularia has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" . _:b73805498 . _:b73805483 . _:b73805484 . _:b73805479 "Tringa nebularia has IUCN Red List status EN" . _:b73805492 . . . "22693220" . _:b73805486 . _:b73805491 . _:b73805494 . _:b73805485 . _:b73805479 . _:b73805478 . _:b73805494 . _:b73805489 . _:b73805477 . _:b76610064 . _:b73805481 . _:b73805493 "Legal status Ngib_ch_1" . _:b73805479 . _:b73805502 "Tringa nebularia has IUCN Red List status NA" . _:b73805489 "Legal status IBE2" . _:b73805500 . _:b73805505 "Legal status NCPSEP" . _:b73805493 . _:b73805477 . . _:b73805480 . _:b73805483 "Tringa nebularia has legal status GO3" . . _:b73805492 . _:b73805501 . "Tringa nebularia has endoparasite Maritrema humile" . _:b73805493 . _:b73805478 . _:b73805488 . _:b73805502 "IUCN Red List status NA" . _:b73805496 . . _:b73805495 . _:b73805485 . _:b73805501 . _:b73805489 . _:b73805497 . . _:b73805482 "Tringa nebularia has biogeographical status B (Occasionnel) in Guyane" . _:b73805478 "Tringa nebularia has legal status IBO2" . _:b73805480 . . . _:b73805491 . . . _:b73805486 . _:b73805505 . "Animalia" . . _:b73805497 . "Tringa nebularia" . . . . _:b73805479 . _:b73805497 . _:b76610064 "158968" . "Charadriiformes" . _:b73805484 "IUCN Red List status NA" . _:b73805482 . _:b73805498 . _:b73805487 . "Chevalier aboyeur"@co . . .