"Anilocra physodes is parasite of Alosa fallax" . . . _:b75662763 . . "528844" . _:b73261322 . _:b76782322 . _:b76782322 . _:b76782320 "Anilocre de la M\u00E9diterran\u00E9e (L')" . . _:b76782320 . . _:b73261322 . _:b73261323 "Legal status REUEAJ" . "Anilocre de la M\u00E9diterran\u00E9e (L')"@fr . _:b73261323 . _:b76782321 . _:b76782320 . "2210187" . _:b75662763 . . _:b76782321 . _:b73261322 . _:b73261323 . _:b76782322 . "Cymothoidae" . _:b76782321 . _:b76782322 . "Anilocre m\u00E9diterran\u00E9enne (L')"@fr . _:b76782320 . _:b76687085 . _:b76782320 . _:b76782321 . _:b76782322 "Laou-pesk" . _:b76782321 . _:b73261323 . . "Anilocra physodes is parasite of Alosa alosa" . "Anilocra" . _:b76687085 "146494" . _:b76782320 . "parasite of (statement)" . _:b73261323 . "parasite of (statement)" . _:b73261322 "Anilocra physodes has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . . "Arthropoda" . _:b76687085 "WoRMS id" . . _:b76782322 . "Anilocre de la M\u00E9diterran\u00E9e (L')"@co . . _:b75662763 "GBIF id" . . "Isopoda" . . . . . _:b73261323 "Anilocra physodes has legal status REUEAJ" . "Anilocre m\u00E9diterran\u00E9enne (L')"@co . _:b76782322 . . . . "Anilocra physodes" . _:b73261323 . _:b76782320 . . _:b73261322 . . "Pou de mer (Le)"@fr . . _:b76782321 . "Animalia" . . "Pezul"@oc . _:b73261322 . . _:b73261323 . . _:b76687085 . _:b75662763 "2210187" . "Laou-pesk"@br . . _:b76782321 "Pezul, Pull de mar (Le)"@oc . _:b76782320 "Anilocre de la M\u00E9diterran\u00E9e (L'), Anilocre m\u00E9diterran\u00E9enne (L'), Pou de mer (Le)"@fr . . _:b73261322 . . _:b73261322 . . . "Pull de mar (Le)"@oc . _:b76782320 . _:b76782321 . _:b75662763 . _:b76782322 . _:b73261322 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . "Pou de mer (Le)"@co . _:b76782321 "Pezul" . _:b76687085 . . . "146494" . . _:b73261323 . _:b76782322 "Laou-pesk"@br .