. _:b73743600 . _:b73743600 "Euglesa personata has IUCN Red List status VU" . "Mollusca" . . _:b73743601 "Euglesa personata has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b76798691 . "Euglesa personata symbiotically interacts with Juncaceae" . . . _:b73743600 . _:b73743601 . _:b73743599 . _:b76265442 . _:b73743604 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73743604 . . _:b73743599 . _:b73743601 . "Euglesa" . _:b73743604 . . _:b75822563 . "Euglesa personata" . _:b75822563 . . _:b73743599 . . _:b73743604 . _:b73743601 . . _:b73743601 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73743603 "Euglesa personata has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . _:b73743602 . _:b73743599 . _:b73743602 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73743599 "Legal status REUEAJ" . . "155588" . _:b75822563 "GBIF id" . "531208" . "Sphaeriida" . _:b73743604 . . _:b76798691 . . _:b73743603 . "7954902" . . _:b75822563 "7954902" . . _:b76265442 "155588" . _:b73743601 . . _:b76798691 . _:b76798691 "Pisidie des sources" . . _:b76798691 . . _:b73743604 . . "Euglesa personata symbiotically interacts with Cyperaceae" . _:b73743600 . "Pisidie des sources"@co . _:b73743600 . _:b73743602 . _:b73743601 . _:b73743602 . _:b73743603 . _:b76798691 . _:b73743600 . . _:b73743603 . _:b73743600 . _:b73743599 . _:b76798691 "Pisidie des sources"@fr . _:b73743603 . . "Sphaeriidae" . _:b76798691 . . . . . . _:b73743600 . _:b73743602 . _:b73743599 "Euglesa personata has legal status REUEAJ" . _:b73743601 . _:b73743602 . _:b73743600 "IUCN Red List status VU" . _:b73743603 . _:b73743602 . . _:b76265442 "IUCN Red List id" . "Red-crusted Pea Mussel"@en . . "Sphaeriinae" . . _:b73743599 . _:b73743604 . "Animalia" . _:b75822563 . _:b76265442 . . . . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . _:b76798691 . _:b76265442 . _:b73743604 "Euglesa personata has IUCN Red List status LC" . "Pisidie des sources"@fr . _:b73743603 . . _:b73743603 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . _:b73743603 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73743602 "Euglesa personata has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73743602 . _:b73743604 . _:b73743601 . _:b73743599 .