_:b73025427 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Barth\u00E9lemy" . . . _:b75618121 . . _:b76270499 "12835" . . . . _:b73025436 . . _:b73025421 . _:b73025422 . . _:b73025427 . . "Rodentia" . _:b73025422 . _:b73025443 . "Marmota marmota commensually interacts with Oxypoda pseudolongipes" . _:b73025440 . _:b73025441 "IUCN Red List status NA" . . "Marmotte des Alpes"@fr . _:b73025442 "IUCN Red List status NA" . _:b73025426 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Mayotte" . . "61143" . . _:b73025442 . . . _:b73025431 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in TAAF : \u00CEles \u00E9parses" . _:b73025435 . _:b73025428 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" . _:b76793082 "Marmotte des Alpes, Marmotte"@fr . _:b75618121 "2437377" . _:b73025434 . . _:b73025429 . . _:b73025433 . . _:b73025431 . . _:b73025427 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Barth\u00E9lemy" . . _:b73025432 . _:b73025430 . _:b73025435 . _:b73025443 . _:b73025436 . _:b73025431 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in TAAF : \u00CEles \u00E9parses" . _:b73025439 . _:b73025429 . "Marmota" . _:b73025421 . _:b73025438 . _:b73025428 . _:b73025439 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in R\u00E9union" . _:b73025437 . _:b73025437 . _:b73025442 . _:b73025438 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73025436 . _:b73025427 . "urn:lsid:faunaeur.org:taxname:305728" . _:b73025432 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in TAAF : Terre-Ad\u00E9lie" . "Marmota marmota symbiotically interacts with Perriniella fresnedai" . _:b73025439 . _:b73025426 . "Marmota marmota symbiotically interacts with Atheta mariei" . "12835" . "Marmota marmota" . _:b73025427 . . _:b73025425 . . . _:b73025426 . _:b73025441 . _:b73025424 . . _:b73025431 . _:b73025426 . . _:b73025434 . _:b73025430 . . _:b73025425 . . . . _:b73025439 . _:b73025424 . _:b73025442 . _:b73025438 . _:b73025441 . _:b73025424 . . _:b73025431 . _:b73025425 . _:b73025437 . _:b73025422 "Marmota marmota has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73025430 . _:b73025421 "Marmota marmota has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73025429 . _:b73025435 . . _:b73025433 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in TAAF : \u00CEles sub-antarctiques" . . _:b73025428 . _:b76793082 . _:b73025440 . "Marmota marmota symbiotically interacts with Catops joffrei" . _:b73025433 . _:b73025436 "Marmota marmota has legal status IBE3" . . _:b73025432 . _:b73025428 . . _:b73025430 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in \u00CEle de Clipperton" . _:b73025425 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Polyn\u00E9sie fran\u00E7aise" . . . . . _:b73025443 . . _:b73025423 . _:b73025422 . _:b73025426 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Mayotte" . _:b73025424 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Wallis et Futuna" . _:b73025421 . . _:b76793082 "Marmotte des Alpes" . _:b73025440 . "Marmotte"@fr . "Xerinae" . . "Marmotte"@co . _:b73025421 . . "commensually interacts with (statement)" . _:b76270499 . _:b73025423 . . _:b73025433 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in TAAF : \u00CEles sub-antarctiques" . . _:b73025436 . _:b73025432 . _:b73025429 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Martin" . _:b73025440 . _:b76270499 "IUCN Red List id" . _:b73025434 . _:b73025441 . _:b73025442 . _:b75514297 "Fauna Europaea id" . _:b73025443 . _:b73025436 . _:b73025437 . . _:b73025438 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Guyane" . _:b73025438 . . _:b76793082 . _:b73025439 . _:b73025432 . "Chordata" . _:b73025433 . _:b73025434 . _:b73025435 . _:b73025428 . _:b73025423 . . _:b73025441 . _:b73025429 . "Animalia" . _:b73025434 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73025430 . _:b73025431 . _:b73025423 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon" . _:b73025424 . _:b73025425 . _:b73025433 . _:b73025426 . . . _:b73025427 . _:b73025442 "Marmota marmota has IUCN Red List status NA" . _:b73025441 . _:b73025434 "Marmota marmota has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73025421 . . _:b73025422 . _:b73025423 . _:b73025423 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon" . . _:b73025425 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Polyn\u00E9sie fran\u00E7aise" . . . _:b73025442 . . _:b73025441 . _:b73025441 "Marmota marmota has IUCN Red List status NA" . . "Marmotte des Alpes"@co . . _:b76793082 . _:b73025434 . "Alpine Marmot"@en . _:b73025431 . . _:b73025430 . "Marmota marmota symbiotically interacts with Aleochara marmotae" . _:b73025437 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Martinique" . _:b73025443 "Legal status Ngib_ch_1" . _:b75618121 "GBIF id" . _:b73025428 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73025422 . _:b73025436 . _:b76793082 . _:b73025421 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73025429 . _:b73025422 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b76270499 . . _:b75618121 . _:b73025432 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in TAAF : Terre-Ad\u00E9lie" . _:b73025435 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Guadeloupe" . _:b73025422 . . _:b75514297 . . . _:b73025434 . _:b76270499 . . . _:b75618121 . _:b73025423 . _:b73025421 . _:b73025427 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b75514297 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73025428 . _:b73025436 "Legal status IBE3" . _:b73025440 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . "2437377" . _:b73025440 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . _:b73025435 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Guadeloupe" . _:b73025430 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in \u00CEle de Clipperton" . _:b73025443 "Marmota marmota has legal status Ngib_ch_1" . _:b73025422 . . _:b73025436 . . _:b73025424 . _:b73025425 . _:b73025429 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Martin" . _:b76793082 . _:b73025424 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Wallis et Futuna" . . _:b73025426 . _:b73025438 "Marmota marmota has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Guyane" . . _:b73025443 . _:b73025443 . _:b73025434 . _:b73025432 . _:b73025442 . . _:b73025442 . _:b73025440 . _:b73025433 . _:b73025439 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in R\u00E9union" . . . _:b73025441 . . . . "Sciuridae" . _:b73025440 . . . . _:b73025440 . _:b73025437 . _:b73025438 . _:b75514297 "urn:lsid:faunaeur.org:taxname:305728" . _:b73025421 . . . _:b73025437 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Martinique" . _:b75514297 . "Marmota marmota symbiotically interacts with Cryptophagus arctomyos" . _:b73025443 . _:b73025439 . _:b73025435 . .