_:b73512348 "Pouteria pallida has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Barth\u00E9lemy" . _:b75635813 "2884774" . "50054065" . . . _:b76768444 . _:b73512353 . _:b73512351 . . _:b73512352 . . _:b73512349 "Pouteria pallida has IUCN Red List status EN" . _:b73512354 . . _:b73512349 . . _:b73512354 "Legal status MARnoEEEV" . "Sapotaceae" . "Balata l\u00E8t"@gcf . _:b73512347 "Biogeographical status S (Subend\u00E9mique) in Martinique" . _:b73512347 . _:b73512351 "Pouteria pallida has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73512353 . _:b75635813 . _:b73512352 . _:b73512349 "IUCN Red List status EN" . _:b76448445 "50054065" . _:b73512353 . . "Ericales" . _:b76768444 . _:b76272835 . _:b73512347 . _:b73512348 . _:b73512351 . . _:b73512349 . . _:b73512354 . _:b73512353 . _:b73512350 . . _:b73512351 . _:b73512350 . _:b73512351 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73512354 . . . _:b73512352 . _:b73512354 . _:b76768444 . "Pouteria pallida" . _:b76768444 . _:b73512348 . "Pouteria" . _:b73512347 . _:b76768444 . . _:b73512350 . "37698" . _:b73512354 "Pouteria pallida has legal status MARnoEEEV" . _:b76768444 . _:b76448445 . _:b73512348 . _:b73512347 . _:b76448445 . _:b73512347 . _:b73512351 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73512352 . _:b76272835 . _:b73512353 . _:b73512354 . _:b76272835 . _:b73512350 . _:b76768444 "Balata wouj" . _:b73512350 . _:b73512352 "Pouteria pallida has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Martin" . _:b73512351 . . _:b73512350 . _:b76768444 . _:b73512349 . _:b73512348 . _:b76448445 "TROPICOS id" . _:b73512349 . _:b73512347 . _:b73512347 "Pouteria pallida has biogeographical status S (Subend\u00E9mique) in Martinique" . _:b73512347 . _:b75635813 . _:b73512348 . _:b73512348 . _:b73512354 . . "Pouteria pallida symbiotically interacts with Xylaria phyllocharis" . _:b73512349 . _:b76768444 "Balata wouj, Balata blan, Balata l\u00E8t, Bwa balata, Balata chyen, ..."@gcf . _:b73512354 . _:b73512348 . _:b75635813 . . _:b73512353 . . "Chrysophylloideae" . _:b73512352 . . _:b76272835 "IUCN Red List id" . . _:b73512351 . . "Plantae" . "Balata blan"@gcf . _:b73512351 . . _:b73512350 . _:b73512350 "Pouteria pallida has legal status GUAnoEEEV" . . "2884774" . . _:b73512353 "Pouteria pallida has biogeographical status S (Subend\u00E9mique) in Guadeloupe" . . "Balata wouj"@gcf . . _:b73512350 "Legal status GUAnoEEEV" . _:b76448445 . _:b76272835 "37698" . . _:b73512349 . _:b75635813 "GBIF id" . _:b73512353 . . . _:b73512353 "Biogeographical status S (Subend\u00E9mique) in Guadeloupe" . _:b73512352 . _:b73512348 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Barth\u00E9lemy" . _:b73512352 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Martin" . "630481" . . _:b73512349 . . _:b73512352 .