. _:b76804987 . "Rufia"@swb . "Mouffia"@co . _:b76804986 . _:b73562152 "Raphia farinifera has biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Martinique" . _:b76286532 . _:b73562151 . _:b73562154 "Raphia farinifera has IUCN Red List status EN" . _:b76440792 "2401171" . "2401171" . _:b76804988 "Rufia, Mbija"@swb . . _:b73562152 "Biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Martinique" . "Calamoideae" . _:b76804988 . _:b76804986 . _:b76804987 . . _:b73562147 "Biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" . . _:b73562147 "Raphia farinifera has biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" . . _:b73562149 . "Raphia ruffia symbiotically interacts with Subulicystidium brachysporum" . _:b73562150 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in Mayotte" . . _:b76804988 . _:b73562153 "Raphia farinifera has biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Guadeloupe" . _:b76804986 . _:b76804987 . _:b73562155 . _:b76440792 . _:b73562152 . _:b76804986 "Maeva anhati" . _:b73562153 . "West African Piassava Palm"@en . _:b75831458 "GBIF id" . _:b73562155 . _:b73562148 . "Raphia" . _:b76804987 "Mouffia"@fr . _:b73562155 . _:b73562156 "Biogeographical status I (Introduit) in R\u00E9union" . _:b73562157 . . _:b73562154 . _:b73562157 . _:b73562153 . "630530" . _:b73562152 . _:b76804986 "Maeva anhati, Mavangati vavi"@buc . _:b73562151 "Raphia farinifera has legal status PV97" . . _:b73562157 . _:b73562147 . _:b73562148 . _:b73562151 . _:b73562149 . _:b73562150 "Raphia farinifera has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in Mayotte" . _:b73562150 . _:b73562156 . _:b73562151 . _:b73562157 . _:b73562148 . _:b73562152 . _:b73562153 . _:b73562154 . _:b76804988 . _:b73562147 . _:b73562155 . _:b73562151 . _:b73562156 . "Mavangati vavi"@buc . _:b73562157 . _:b73562150 . . _:b73562147 . _:b75831458 . _:b75831458 . _:b73562151 . . . _:b73562154 . _:b73562150 . _:b75831458 . _:b73562155 . _:b73562149 "Raphia farinifera has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73562149 . _:b73562147 . _:b73562154 "IUCN Red List status EN" . _:b76804986 . <514> . "Arecaceae" . . _:b73562148 . "Raffia Palm"@en . _:b73562156 . _:b76804987 . _:b76286532 . . . _:b76286532 "IUCN Red List id" . "Raphia farinifera" . . _:b73562157 "Raphia farinifera has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Barth\u00E9lemy" . . "Mbija"@swb . . _:b73562154 . _:b73562147 . _:b73562153 . _:b75831458 "5293210" . _:b73562152 . _:b73562149 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . _:b73562148 . . _:b73562150 . . . . _:b73562149 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73562151 "Legal status PV97" . _:b73562151 . _:b73562156 . _:b76804987 "Mouffia" . _:b73562157 . . _:b73562156 "Raphia farinifera has biogeographical status I (Introduit) in R\u00E9union" . _:b73562155 "Raphia farinifera has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Martin" . . . _:b73562154 . _:b73562153 . _:b73562155 . . _:b76440792 "TROPICOS id" . _:b73562152 . _:b76286532 "95366641" . _:b73562148 "Biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Guyane" . _:b73562152 . . "5293210" . "Arecales" . "Maeva anhati"@buc . _:b73562153 . . _:b73562157 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Barth\u00E9lemy" . _:b73562147 . _:b76286532 . . _:b73562149 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73562156 . "Plantae" . "95366641" . _:b73562148 "Raphia farinifera has biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Guyane" . "Mouffia"@fr . _:b73562147 . _:b76804986 . . _:b76440792 . _:b73562157 . _:b73562149 . _:b76804987 . _:b73562149 . "Raphia ruffia symbiotically interacts with Hymenochaete separabilis" . _:b73562155 . _:b73562150 . . _:b73562153 . _:b73562155 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Martin" . . _:b73562148 . _:b73562152 . _:b76804988 . _:b73562153 "Biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Guadeloupe" . _:b73562151 . . _:b76804988 "Rufia" . _:b73562154 . _:b73562148 . . . _:b73562154 . _:b76440792 . _:b76804988 .