_:b76278942 . . "Swan Mussel"@en . _:b73377315 . _:b73377312 "Anodonta cygnea has IUCN Red List status NT" . _:b76776126 . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Lepomis gibbosus" . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Cyprinus carpio" . _:b73377312 . _:b73377317 . . _:b76776125 . _:b75776439 "4374774" . . _:b73377316 "Anodonta cygnea has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73377316 . "parasite of (statement)" . . . "parasite of (statement)" . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Squalius cephalus" . . . "parasite of (statement)" . . _:b73377313 "Anodonta cygnea has IUCN Red List status LC" . "parasite of (statement)" . . . . . . . . _:b73377315 . . . . . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Abramis brama" . . . . . _:b73377313 . _:b73377316 . . . . . _:b73377312 . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Salmo trutta" . . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Cottus gobio" . "Anodonte des \u00E9tangs"@co . . . . _:b73377314 . . . . . . . _:b75776439 . . _:b76278942 "IUCN Red List id" . . . . . . . . _:b76620976 . . . . . _:b73377314 . . . . . _:b73377312 "IUCN Red List status NT" . . . . . . _:b73377311 . . "64456" . . . . . . . . . _:b73377311 . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Oncorhynchus mykiss" . _:b73377315 . . _:b73377314 . _:b73377317 . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Micropterus salmoides" . . _:b76776126 . _:b73377313 . . . _:b76776125 . _:b73377312 . . "parasite of (statement)" . _:b73377311 . . . "parasite of (statement)" . "parasite of (statement)" . . "parasite of (statement)" . . "Anodonta" . _:b73377317 . . . "parasite of (statement)" . _:b73377316 . _:b73377317 . . _:b73377312 . _:b73377313 . "parasite of (statement)" . _:b73377314 . _:b73377315 . . . . _:b73377316 . "234103" . _:b73377317 . . . _:b73377315 . "parasite of (statement)" . _:b73377313 . _:b73377314 . . _:b73377312 . _:b73377316 . _:b76620976 . "parasite of (statement)" . _:b73377317 . _:b75776439 . . . . "parasite of (statement)" . . . "parasite of (statement)" . . _:b75776439 . . . _:b76278942 . . . _:b73377315 "Anodonta cygnea has legal status REUEAJ" . . . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Barbus barbus" . . . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Esox lucius" . . "156066" . . "parasite of (statement)" . . _:b73377315 . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Rutilus rutilus" . _:b73377316 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b76278942 "156066" . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Tinca tinca" . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Perca fluviatilis" . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Scardinius erythrophthalmus" . . . _:b73377316 . . _:b73377313 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b76776125 . _:b73377313 . _:b73377317 . . _:b76776126 . _:b73377313 . _:b73377315 . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Leuciscus leuciscus" . _:b76620976 "WoRMS id" . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Sander lucioperca" . . "Anodonte des \u00E9tangs"@fr . . . . _:b73377311 . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Leuciscus idus" . . . _:b76620976 "234103" . . . . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Phoxinus phoxinus" . . . . _:b76776126 . "parasite of (statement)" . . . "parasite of (statement)" . . . "parasite of (statement)" . . . _:b76776125 . . . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Alburnus alburnus" . "Unionida" . . . _:b76776126 . . . . _:b76776125 . . . . . _:b73377312 . "parasite of (statement)" . . . "parasite of (statement)" . "Animalia" . . _:b73377314 "Anodonta cygnea has IUCN Red List status VU" . . . _:b76776126 "Anodonte des \u00E9tangs" . "parasite of (statement)" . . "parasite of (statement)" . . "parasite of (statement)" . . . _:b76620976 . _:b76776125 "Anodonte des \u00E9tangs" . "parasite of (statement)" . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Gambusia holbrooki" . . "parasite of (statement)" . . . _:b73377317 "Anodonta cygnea has IUCN Red List status VU" . . . . . "parasite of (statement)" . . . _:b76776126 . . . . _:b76776125 . . . . . _:b73377315 "Legal status REUEAJ" . . . . . . . "Anodonta cygnea" . . . _:b73377311 "Anodonta cygnea has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Gymnocephalus cernuus" . . . . . _:b75776439 "GBIF id" . "parasite of (statement)" . . . _:b76776125 . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Salmo trutta fario" . _:b76776126 . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Gasterosteus aculeatus" . . _:b73377311 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . _:b73377314 . "4374774" . _:b73377316 . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Vimba vimba" . . . _:b73377311 . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Gobio gobio" . . . . _:b73377311 . . . _:b73377317 "IUCN Red List status VU" . . . . _:b76776125 "Anodonte des \u00E9tangs"@fr . _:b73377311 . "Mollusca" . _:b76776126 "Anodonte des \u00E9tangs"@fr . . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Abramis bjoerkna" . "Unioninae" . _:b73377314 "IUCN Red List status VU" . _:b73377313 . _:b73377312 . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Rhodeus amarus" . . _:b76278942 . . _:b73377314 . . . . . "Unionidae" . "Anodonta cygnea is parasite of Anguilla anguilla" . . .