_:b73281851 "IUCN Red List status NA" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73281858 . _:b73281859 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "has endoparasite (statement)" . . . _:b73281865 . . _:b76273230 . . . _:b73281856 . . . "79779" . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Andrena flavilabris" . . . . . . "Aserau"@fr . . . . . . . . . . . _:b73281857 . "Norway Maple"@en . . . . _:b75433559 "BDTFX id" . "Acer platanoides is pollinated by Andrena flavilabris" . . _:b73281860 . . . "Acer platanoides is pollinated by Andrena flavilabris" . . . . _:b73281863 . _:b73281861 . _:b73281866 . . "Acer platanoides is pollinated by Brachyopa obscura" . . _:b73281865 . . "Acer platanoides is pollinated by Apis mellifera" . _:b73281864 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73281859 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . _:b73281856 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73281857 . . _:b73281858 . . _:b73281858 . _:b73281859 . . _:b73281860 . _:b73281861 . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Andrena flavilabris" . _:b73281862 . _:b73281863 . _:b73281857 . . . _:b73281864 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73281865 . _:b73281866 . . "Plane"@co . _:b73281856 . "Acer platanoides is pollinated by Brachyopa pilosa" . . . _:b73281853 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status NA" . _:b73281863 . _:b73281862 . . _:b73281862 . . . _:b73281861 . _:b73281855 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status NA" . . _:b73281852 . _:b73281860 . . . _:b76797801 . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Ypsolopha sequella" . . _:b73281866 . . _:b73281854 . _:b73281851 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status NA" . _:b73281854 . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Andrena flavilabris" . . . . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73281863 . _:b73281858 . . _:b73281849 . . _:b73281850 . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73281851 . . _:b73281852 . _:b73281853 . . _:b76273230 "193853" . _:b73281854 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73281855 . . . . . . . . . . _:b73281865 . . _:b73281859 . . . . . . . . . . _:b76379358 . . . _:b73281854 . . . . . _:b73281850 . _:b73281865 . . _:b73281850 . . . . . _:b76273230 . . . . . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Pamphilius ignymontiensis" . _:b73281859 . _:b76797801 "\u00C9rable plane, Plane, Aserau"@fr . . _:b75876285 . . _:b73281854 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73281851 . . . _:b75876285 "3189846" . . . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Leucoptera aceris" . . _:b73281864 . . _:b76797801 . _:b73281849 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281865 . . . _:b73281850 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281849 . _:b73281866 . . "Acer platanoides is pollinated by Andrena flavilabris" . . _:b73281855 . _:b73281852 . . _:b73281853 . . _:b73281862 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76379358 . . _:b73281859 "IUCN Red List status NA" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "parasitized by (statement)" . . . _:b73281856 . _:b76379358 "200035" . . _:b73281857 . . _:b73281861 . . _:b73281855 . . _:b73281856 . _:b75876285 . _:b76797801 . _:b73281858 . . . . _:b73281862 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73281863 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281860 . "Acer platanoides is parasitized by Pulvinaria hydrangeae" . . _:b73281860 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281861 . . . . _:b73281861 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281862 . . . _:b73281858 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281863 . . . _:b73281850 . . . . . _:b73281865 . _:b73281852 . _:b73281850 . _:b73281856 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281857 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . "Acer" . _:b73281852 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . . . . . _:b73281851 . . _:b73281849 . "Acer platanoides" . . _:b73281866 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73281853 . . _:b73281855 . "74934" . . _:b73281857 . "\u00C9rable plane"@co . . . _:b73281864 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . . "Plantae" . _:b73281860 . . _:b73281853 . . _:b73281865 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73281855 . . _:b76379358 . . . _:b73281851 . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Pamphilius ignymontiensis" . . _:b73281851 . . . _:b73281852 . . . . . _:b75433559 "74934" . . "Sapindales" . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Etainia sericopeza" . "Acer platanoides is parasitized by Ascochyta pallida" . "193853" . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Etainia sericopeza" . . . . . . . . . . _:b73281849 . _:b76797801 "\u00C9rable plane" . . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Hinatara recta" . _:b73281851 . _:b76797801 . . "pollinated by (statement)" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Acer platanoides has endoparasite Anisandrus dispar" . . . . _:b73281850 . "pollinated by (statement)" . "Acer platanoides symbiotically interacts with Spilomyia manicata" . _:b76379358 "TROPICOS id" . . . . _:b73281849 . . . _:b73281849 . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Tenthredo vespa" . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Stigmella aceris" . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Pamphilius ignymontiensis" . _:b73281855 . . _:b73281854 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Phyllonorycter joannisi" . "pollinated by (statement)" . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Synanthedon spuleri" . _:b73281853 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . _:b76273230 . _:b75876285 . _:b73281864 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73281852 . _:b73281865 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281864 . _:b73281864 . _:b73281866 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281866 . _:b75433559 . _:b73281859 . . _:b73281860 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Hinatara recta" . "Aserau"@co . _:b73281861 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281862 "IUCN Red List status LC" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73281863 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . _:b73281856 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281860 . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73281857 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73281853 . . . _:b73281861 . _:b73281863 . . _:b73281858 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . _:b73281857 . _:b73281856 . _:b73281858 . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b75433559 . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73281863 . . . . . . . . "Acer platanoides symbiotically interacts with Spilomyia diophthalma" . "has endoparasite (statement)" . _:b73281858 . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Stigmella aceris" . _:b73281859 . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Cossus cossus" . "200035" . "has endoparasite (statement)" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "Acer platanoides is pollinated by Brachyopa dorsata" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . . "Sapindaceae" . . _:b73281854 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73281866 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . _:b73281864 . _:b73281862 . _:b73281852 . _:b73281859 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status NA" . . . . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Acronicta aceris" . . _:b73281850 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . "Acer platanoides has endoparasite Xylosandrus germanus" . . _:b73281860 . _:b73281849 "Acer platanoides has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b76797801 . . _:b73281857 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Hippocastanoideae" . _:b75433559 . . _:b73281854 . . . . . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Brachyopa pilosa" . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Etainia sericopeza" . "3189846" . _:b73281849 . "\u00C9rable plane"@fr . . _:b73281850 . . _:b73281855 . _:b73281856 . _:b75876285 "GBIF id" . _:b73281853 . "Acer platanoides has endoparasite Xyleborinus saxesenii" . _:b76273230 "IUCN Red List id" . . _:b73281854 . . _:b73281852 "Acer platanoides has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . . . _:b73281851 . _:b73281861 . "parasitized by (statement)" . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Phyllonorycter joannisi" . . . _:b73281853 "IUCN Red List status NA" . . . . . "Plane"@fr . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73281855 "IUCN Red List status NA" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73281866 . . _:b73281862 . _:b73281864 . . . "Acer platanoides provides nutrients for Etainia sericopeza" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . .