_:b76700264 . _:b73790368 . "1141132-2" . _:b76487370 "kew-391622" . "Ammophila arenaria provides nutrients for Tetanops myopina" . _:b76419082 "TROPICOS id" . . . _:b73790368 . _:b73790365 . _:b76785676 . "Ammophila arenaria symbiotically interacts with Sciocoris conspurcatus majusculus" . "Ammophila" . _:b73790362 . _:b73790363 . _:b75835871 . _:b73790373 . _:b76700264 "403902" . . _:b76241187 . . _:b73790372 . . "wfo-0000845777" . . _:b76785676 . . _:b73790372 . _:b73790368 . _:b75490256 "4138" . _:b73790371 . "Oyat des sables"@co . _:b73790369 . _:b73790373 . _:b73790369 . . _:b73790370 . _:b75490256 . "Plantae" . _:b73790364 . _:b76487370 . _:b76419082 . . . _:b73790372 . . _:b73790365 . "4138" . . _:b73790363 . _:b76419082 . _:b73790362 . _:b73790362 . . . _:b73790362 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status NT" . . _:b73790367 . _:b73790371 . . _:b73790373 "Ammophila arenaria has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . _:b76540027 "wfo-0000845777" . _:b73790367 . _:b76241187 "1141132-2" . _:b73790370 . _:b73790366 . _:b73790363 . _:b73790372 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status LC" . "403902" . . _:b73790365 . _:b73790371 . . "Marram"@en . _:b73790364 . . . . "kew-391622" . . _:b73790369 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status LC" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73790368 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73790369 . _:b73790362 . . "Ammophile des sables"@co . _:b73790368 . . _:b73790370 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73790371 . _:b73790364 . . _:b76700264 . _:b73790363 . _:b73790366 . _:b73790365 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . _:b73790372 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73790364 . _:b73790364 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status LC" . "Ammophila arenaria provides nutrients for Hipparchia semele" . _:b73790367 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73790365 . . _:b73790366 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73790366 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "Ammophila arenaria provides nutrients for Anerastia lotella" . _:b76241187 . . _:b76540027 . _:b73790367 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b76785676 . . _:b73790368 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b76785676 "Oyat des sables" . _:b73790369 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73790363 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73790372 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "Ammophila arenaria" . _:b73790370 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b76487370 . _:b73790373 . _:b73790365 . _:b73790362 . _:b73790363 . _:b73790364 . _:b73790365 . _:b73790366 . _:b73790367 . . _:b73790370 . "Poaceae" . . . _:b76487370 "The Plant List (TPL) id" . . _:b73790367 . _:b73790370 . _:b73790362 "IUCN Red List status NT" . _:b76785676 . "Ammophila arenaria provides nutrients for Byrsinus albipennis" . "Oyat des sables"@fr . . . . _:b73790369 . _:b73790364 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b75835871 . . . . _:b73790368 . _:b76785676 "Oyat des sables, Ammophile des sables, Oyat, Chiendent marin, Roseau des sables, Gourbet"@fr . _:b73790365 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73790369 . _:b73790370 . _:b73790371 . _:b75835871 "5289845" . . _:b73790372 . _:b73790366 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73790373 . "Oyat"@co . _:b73790367 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b75490256 . . . _:b73790362 . _:b73790370 . _:b73790363 . _:b75490256 "BDTFX id" . . . _:b73790362 . . . . . _:b76241187 . _:b75835871 "GBIF id" . _:b73790372 . _:b73790363 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b75490256 . . . _:b73790365 . _:b73790368 . "82139" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76419082 "25510722" . _:b76785676 . _:b73790367 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . _:b76700264 "WoRMS id" . . _:b73790366 . _:b73790366 . _:b76241187 "IPNI id" . . . "Pooideae" . . _:b76487370 . _:b73790364 . _:b76419082 . . "Ammophila arenaria provides nutrients for Menaccarus arenicola" . "Ammophile des sables"@fr . "25510722" . . "5289845" . . . "Ammophila arenaria provides nutrients for Tenthredopsis coquebertii" . . . _:b73790373 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . _:b73790372 . . _:b73790371 "Ammophila arenaria has IUCN Red List status NA" . _:b73790371 "IUCN Red List status NA" . . . . _:b76540027 "WFO (World Flora Online) id" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73790363 . _:b76540027 . _:b76700264 . _:b73790369 . . . "Oyat"@fr . _:b73790368 . . . _:b75835871 . . _:b73790364 . . _:b73790366 . . _:b73790371 . _:b73790373 . _:b73790370 . . _:b76540027 . _:b73790371 . _:b73790367 . _:b73790369 . "Poales" .