_:b73664626 . . . . _:b73664623 "Artemisia maritima has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b76781973 . . . . "Armoise maritime"@co . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73664621 "Artemisia maritima has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b75478177 "74975" . _:b73664632 . . _:b73664630 . _:b73664624 . _:b76245791 . . _:b73664622 . _:b73664626 . _:b73664624 . _:b73664627 . _:b75946307 . _:b73664625 . . _:b73664628 . _:b73664628 . _:b75478177 . _:b73664627 . "Artemisia maritima provides nutrients for Craspedolepta malachitica" . "Asteroideae" . . _:b76245791 "179785-1" . _:b73664627 . _:b73664628 . . "Sea Wormwood"@en . _:b73664629 . _:b75478177 . . _:b73664625 "Artemisia maritima has IUCN Red List status RE" . _:b73664621 . . . _:b73664625 . . _:b76781973 "Armoise maritime" . _:b73664625 "IUCN Red List status RE" . "Asterales" . _:b73664624 . _:b73664632 "Artemisia maritima has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b76781973 . _:b73664629 . . . _:b73664622 . _:b73664621 . . _:b76418698 "TROPICOS id" . _:b76781973 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73664623 . . _:b73664630 "Legal status V04P4" . _:b76245791 . _:b73664631 . . . _:b73664633 . . "Artemisia" . . _:b76418698 . _:b73664633 "Artemisia maritima has IUCN Red List status CR" . _:b73664632 . . "Artemisia maritima symbiotically interacts with Cryptocephalus crassus" . _:b73664623 . _:b73664622 . _:b73664632 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73664631 "Legal status RV72" . _:b73664631 "Artemisia maritima has legal status RV72" . _:b73664627 "IUCN Red List status EN" . _:b73664621 . _:b73664626 "Legal status V04P6" . _:b73664631 . "Armoise maritime"@fr . . . "S\u00E9mentine"@co . "gcc-112588" . _:b73664630 "Artemisia maritima has legal status V04P4" . "Artemisia maritima" . _:b76488754 . _:b73664622 "Artemisia maritima has IUCN Red List status NT" . _:b73664629 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . "100398169" . _:b73664631 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . _:b73664624 . _:b73664633 . _:b75478177 . _:b76781973 "Armoise maritime, S\u00E9mentine"@fr . _:b75946307 "GBIF id" . _:b73664633 . . . _:b76245791 . _:b73664633 "IUCN Red List status CR" . . . "84003" . _:b76781973 . _:b73664621 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73664626 . _:b73664624 . _:b73664622 . . . _:b76245791 "IPNI id" . _:b73664631 . _:b73664623 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73664626 . _:b76418698 . _:b73664629 . _:b73664626 . _:b73664625 . _:b73664624 "Artemisia maritima has IUCN Red List status VU" . _:b73664630 . _:b73664627 . . . "Artemisia maritima provides nutrients for Coleophora settarii" . _:b73664628 . _:b73664630 . _:b73664623 . "3121650" . _:b73664631 . _:b73664630 . . _:b73664629 "Artemisia maritima has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . _:b73664628 "Artemisia maritima has IUCN Red List status VU" . . _:b73664632 . _:b75478177 "BDTFX id" . . _:b76781973 . . _:b73664633 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "179785-1" . _:b73664632 . "Plantae" . _:b73664622 "IUCN Red List status NT" . _:b76488754 . . _:b73664628 "IUCN Red List status VU" . _:b73664633 . . _:b76488754 "The Plant List (TPL) id" . . _:b76488754 "gcc-112588" . _:b73664625 . _:b73664627 . . "S\u00E9mentine"@fr . _:b76488754 . _:b73664626 . _:b73664624 "IUCN Red List status VU" . _:b73664625 . _:b73664624 . _:b75946307 . "74975" . _:b75946307 "3121650" . _:b73664631 . "Asteraceae" . _:b73664630 . _:b73664625 . _:b73664628 . _:b73664627 "Artemisia maritima has IUCN Red List status EN" . _:b73664629 . _:b73664630 . _:b73664632 . _:b73664631 . _:b73664624 . _:b76418698 "100398169" . _:b73664625 . _:b73664629 . _:b73664626 . _:b73664627 . _:b73664628 . _:b73664627 . . _:b76418698 . _:b73664626 "Artemisia maritima has legal status V04P6" . _:b73664632 . _:b73664633 . . . "Artemisia maritima provides nutrients for Macrosiphoniella pulvera" . _:b73664621 . _:b73664621 . . _:b75946307 . _:b73664622 . _:b73664621 . _:b73664630 . _:b73664623 . _:b73664623 . _:b73664623 . _:b73664628 . . _:b73664622 . _:b73664632 . _:b73664621 . _:b73664633 . _:b73664623 . _:b73664622 . .