_:b73555556 . _:b73555547 . _:b73555546 . _:b73555557 . _:b73555556 . _:b73555545 . _:b73555544 . . _:b76799805 "Goyavier de Chine, Goyavier fraise"@fr . _:b73555551 . . "Goyave-fraise"@co . _:b73555546 "Legal status NCPNEI" . "pollinated by (statement)" . . _:b73555550 . _:b73555555 "Biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Guadeloupe" . _:b73555549 . _:b73555541 . _:b73555550 "Psidium cattleyanum has biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Guyane" . _:b73555546 . _:b73555548 . "tuava hao\u00E8"@mqm . _:b73555544 . _:b73555543 . . _:b73555557 "Legal status MAYEVJ" . _:b76799811 . _:b73555542 . "Gargoulette"@co . _:b76799810 . _:b76799806 "M'pouera m'tsongoma, Mtsongoma mpwera"@swb . _:b73555551 . _:b73555552 "Psidium cattleyanum has biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Mayotte" . _:b76799809 . _:b73555543 . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76799808 . . _:b73555554 "Biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Martinique" . _:b73555542 . . _:b73555541 . _:b73555549 . . . "Mapouera keli"@buc . _:b73555540 . "Psidium cattleyanum provides nutrients for Loxa viridis" . _:b73555544 "Legal status NCONVCS2" . _:b73555548 . _:b73555547 . _:b76799810 "tuava pukiki, tuava hao\u00E8, tuava kina"@mqm . "Psidium cattleianum symbiotically interacts with Hyphoderma magnargillaceum" . _:b73555553 . _:b76411128 . "Goyave de Catlley"@fr . . _:b76799806 . "M'pouera m'tsongoma"@swb . _:b73555556 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b76799807 . _:b73555557 . . . . . _:b76799805 . . . _:b76799814 "Cattley guava" . _:b73555546 "Psidium cattleyanum has legal status NCPNEI" . _:b76799806 . _:b76799807 . "Psidium cattleianum symbiotically interacts with Hyphoderma gigasporum" . _:b76799812 "Goyavier de Cattley" . _:b76799805 . . . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73555549 "Legal status PFEVI" . _:b76411128 "22101792" . "Goyavier de Chine"@co . . _:b73555548 "Psidium cattleyanum has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Martin" . . . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b76799810 . _:b73555547 . _:b76799811 . _:b73555543 "Biogeographical status J (Introduit envahissant) in R\u00E9union" . _:b76799808 . _:b76799809 . _:b73555546 . . _:b76799814 . _:b76799812 . _:b76799813 . _:b73555553 . _:b73555540 . "Goyavier de Cattley"@co . _:b73555544 "Psidium cattleyanum has legal status NCONVCS2" . _:b76799806 "M'pouera m'tsongoma" . . _:b73555547 "Psidium cattleyanum has biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Barth\u00E9lemy" . _:b73555552 "Biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Mayotte" . _:b73555548 . _:b73555549 . . . _:b73555541 . _:b73555544 . "Psidium cattleianum symbiotically interacts with Tubulicrinis ovalisporus" . . _:b73555556 "Legal status NCPSEVIA" . _:b73555553 . _:b73555551 . . _:b73555545 . "883712" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73555550 . "22101792" . _:b76799811 "tuava tinit\u00F6" . _:b76799814 . _:b73555552 . _:b76799813 . . "tuvava kinito"@mrv . _:b73555555 . _:b73555540 . . _:b76799812 . _:b76799814 . . . _:b73555554 . _:b73555547 . . _:b76799811 . . _:b73555548 . . _:b76799810 . "tuava popa\u2019\u00E4"@aut . "Psidium littorale provides nutrients for Strepsicrates holotephras" . _:b73555543 "Psidium cattleyanum has biogeographical status J (Introduit envahissant) in R\u00E9union" . "tuava tinit\u00F6"@ty . _:b76799809 . . _:b76799808 . _:b73555555 . . _:b73555554 . _:b73555553 . . . _:b73555543 . _:b73555542 . . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b76799813 "Mapouera keli" . _:b73555552 . _:b73555540 . . . _:b73555553 . _:b76799810 "tuava pukiki" . "Goyave-fraise"@fr . . _:b73555557 . _:b73555556 . "Gargoulette"@fr . _:b73555556 . _:b73555556 . _:b73555542 . "tuvava tinit\u00F6"@aut . . . _:b73555543 . . _:b73555557 . _:b73555540 . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b76799809 "tuvava kinito"@mrv . _:b73555553 . . "Gouyavier"@co . _:b73555549 . _:b73555551 . _:b73555545 "Biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Wallis et Futuna" . _:b76799812 . _:b73555556 . "Goyavier fraise"@co . _:b73555557 . _:b76799813 . "Gouyavier"@fr . . _:b73555552 . _:b73555553 . _:b73555554 . . _:b73555555 . _:b73555546 . "Psidium cattleianum is pollinated by Ornidia obesa" . . _:b73555544 . _:b76799809 . _:b73555548 . . _:b73555547 . _:b76799808 . _:b76799811 . _:b73555549 "Psidium cattleyanum has legal status PFEVI" . "Goyavier de Chine"@fr . _:b76799810 . _:b73555542 "Biogeographical status J (Introduit envahissant) in Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" . _:b73555545 . _:b73555550 . . . _:b76799814 . _:b73555548 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Martin" . _:b73555548 . _:b76799805 . _:b73555541 . _:b73555549 . _:b73555550 . _:b73555551 . _:b73555544 . _:b76799812 . _:b76799808 "tuava popa\u2019\u00E4, tuvava taina, tuvava tinit\u00F6, tuava tinit\u00F6"@aut . _:b76411128 . _:b73555545 . _:b73555546 . _:b73555547 . _:b73555540 "Biogeographical status J (Introduit envahissant) in Polyn\u00E9sie fran\u00E7aise" . _:b73555540 . _:b76799813 . _:b73555541 . "Psidium cattleianum symbiotically interacts with Scytinostroma decidens" . . _:b73555542 . _:b73555543 . "Myrtoideae" . _:b76799810 . _:b76799811 . _:b73555544 . _:b73555546 . _:b76799808 . "Goyavier de Cattley"@fr . _:b76799809 . _:b76799814 "Cattley guava, Cherry guava, Strawberry guava"@en . _:b73555557 . "Psidium cattleianum symbiotically interacts with Hyphoderma nudicephalum" . _:b73555550 "Biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Guyane" . _:b76799811 . _:b76411128 "TROPICOS id" . _:b73555549 . _:b76799810 . _:b73555551 . _:b73555552 . _:b73555555 . . _:b76799809 . _:b73555554 . _:b73555557 "Psidium cattleyanum has legal status MAYEVJ" . _:b76799808 . _:b73555551 "Psidium cattleyanum has legal status NCONV" . . "Cherry guava"@en . _:b73555543 . . . _:b73555541 . . "tuava pukiki"@mqm . _:b76799805 . _:b76799812 . . _:b76799813 . _:b76799806 . . . _:b76799807 . . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . _:b76799811 "tuava tinit\u00F6"@ty . . . _:b76799805 . _:b73555555 . _:b73555552 . _:b73555541 "Psidium cattleyanum has legal status agri2" . "Psidium cattleyanum provides nutrients for Ceratitis quilicii" . _:b73555554 . _:b76799808 "tuava popa\u2019\u00E4" . . _:b73555540 . _:b76799806 . . "Myrtales" . . _:b73555541 "Legal status agri2" . . "Psidium cattleyanum symbiotically interacts with Vararia spissata" . _:b76799807 . . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . _:b73555555 . _:b73555557 . . . _:b73555543 . _:b73555542 . _:b73555554 . _:b73555542 "Psidium cattleyanum has biogeographical status J (Introduit envahissant) in Nouvelle-Cal\u00E9donie" . . _:b76799812 "Goyavier de Cattley, Goyave de Catlley, Goyave-fraise, Goyave rouge, Goyavier de Chine, Goyavier fraise"@fr . . _:b76799805 . . _:b73555542 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . _:b73555545 "Psidium cattleyanum has biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Wallis et Futuna" . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . . _:b73555554 "Psidium cattleyanum has biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Martinique" . . "Strawberry guava"@en . . . _:b76799807 "Goyavier de Cattley" . "Goyave de Catlley"@co . _:b76799807 "Goyavier de Cattley, Gargoulette, Gouyavier, Goyavier, Gargoulette, Gouyavier, Gouyavier de Chine, Goyave de Chine, Goyave de Catlley, Goyave-fraise, Goyave rouge"@fr . _:b73555550 . _:b73555551 . "Mtsongoma mpwera"@swb . _:b73555544 . _:b73555545 . _:b73555549 . _:b76799813 "Mapouera keli"@buc . _:b73555551 "Legal status NCONV" . "tuvava taina"@aut . . _:b73555541 . _:b73555540 "Psidium cattleyanum has biogeographical status J (Introduit envahissant) in Polyn\u00E9sie fran\u00E7aise" . "Psidium cattleianum symbiotically interacts with Hyphoderma praetermissum" . . . _:b76799805 "Goyavier de Chine" . . _:b76799807 . _:b73555553 "Psidium cattleyanum has legal status NCPSEVI" . . "Plantae" . _:b76799806 . _:b76411128 . "Goyavier fraise"@fr . _:b76799805 . "Cattley guava"@en . _:b73555546 . "Myrtaceae" . _:b76799809 "tuvava kinito" . . _:b73555548 . "Psidium cattleyanum" . _:b73555555 "Psidium cattleyanum has biogeographical status M (Introduit non \u00E9tabli (dont cultiv\u00E9 / domestique)) in Guadeloupe" . . _:b76799809 . . . _:b76799808 . _:b73555547 "Biogeographical status A (Absent) in Saint-Barth\u00E9lemy" . _:b76799810 . _:b73555553 "Legal status NCPSEVI" . . _:b73555547 . _:b76799811 . . "Psidium cattleyanum symbiotically interacts with Dendrocorticium ovalisporum" . _:b73555556 "Psidium cattleyanum has legal status NCPSEVIA" . . . "tuava kina"@mqm . . . . _:b76799814 . _:b73555554 . _:b73555555 . . "Psidium" . . .