. . . "Macrocheles glaber is phoretic of Dermestes undulatus" . . . _:b73259049 . . _:b73259050 . _:b73259049 . . . . . _:b73259050 . "Macrochelidae" . _:b73259049 . . . . . "Macrocheles glaber is phoretic of Dermestes frischii" . . _:b73259049 "Macrocheles glaber has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . "Coprholaspis glaber is parasite of Geotrupes spiniger" . . . . . "Coprholaspis glaber is phoretic of Geotrupes vernalis" . "Coprholaspis glaber is parasite of Copris lunaris" . . . _:b73259050 "Macrocheles glaber has legal status REUEAJ" . "Coprholaspis glaber is phoretic of Geotrupes vernalis" . . _:b73259049 . . _:b73259050 . . "parasite of (statement)" . "phoretic of (statement)" . . . "phoretic of (statement)" . . . . . . . . . . . "891540" . _:b73259049 . . "Mesostigmata" . "phoretic of (statement)" . . . . . . "parasite of (statement)" . "phoretic of (statement)" . "Macrocheles" . . "Arthropoda" . "phoretic of (statement)" . . . . . . . "parasite of (statement)" . . . . . "Coprholaspis glaber is parasite of Geotrupes pyrenaeus" . "parasite of (statement)" . _:b73259049 . . "Coprholaspis glaber is parasite of Geotrupes stercorarius" . . "parasite of (statement)" . "Animalia" . . . . . "Macrocheles glaber is phoretic of Dermestes laniarius" . . . . "Macrocheles glaber" . . . . . _:b73259050 . . . . . _:b73259049 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . _:b73259050 . _:b73259049 . . . . . . _:b73259050 . . . _:b73259050 . . "Coprholaspis glaber is parasite of Scarabaeus laticollis" . . _:b73259050 "Legal status REUEAJ" . . .