"Galium mollugo" . _:b73578662 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . _:b73578663 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73578641 "Galium mollugo has legal status SPMEEEV3" . _:b76508476 "VASCAN id" . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Onesia floralis" . . _:b76491482 . _:b73578660 . _:b73578661 . . . _:b73578651 . _:b73578662 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76491482 . _:b73578641 . . _:b73578663 . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Cheilosia vernalis" . _:b73578656 . _:b73578657 . _:b73578658 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73578658 . _:b73578650 . . _:b73578659 . . . _:b73578659 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73578649 . . . . . _:b73578648 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73578658 . . . . _:b73578655 . . . . _:b73578654 . . . _:b73578652 . _:b73578639 . _:b76491482 . _:b73578641 "Legal status SPMEEEV3" . "wfo-0000969499" . _:b73578663 . _:b73578653 . . _:b76390481 . . _:b76528727 . _:b73578653 "Biogeographical status I (Introduit) in TAAF : \u00CEles sub-antarctiques" . _:b73578652 . . . . _:b76528727 "WFO (World Flora Online) id" . . . _:b73578643 . . . . _:b73578656 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status DD" . . . _:b73578642 . _:b73578652 . _:b73578651 . . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Onesia floralis" . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Sermylassa halensis" . _:b73578653 . _:b73578641 . . . . _:b73578654 . _:b73578655 . _:b73578648 . . _:b73578649 . . _:b73578650 . _:b73578640 . . . _:b73578651 . . _:b73578644 . _:b73578645 . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73578647 . . "pollinated by (statement)" . "Galium mollugo is parasitized by Puccinia punctata" . _:b73578646 . _:b73578647 . . _:b73578640 . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Andrena labiata" . _:b73578641 . . . _:b73578646 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73578642 . _:b73578643 . . . . _:b73578657 . _:b73578645 . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Lasioglossum pygmaeum" . . . . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Aglaostigma fulvipes" . _:b75450487 . . . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Adia cinerella" . . . . . _:b73578644 . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76528727 . . . . . . _:b73578657 . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Syritta pipiens" . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Leucophora sericea" . . . _:b73578639 . . . . _:b73578639 . _:b73578654 "Galium mollugo has biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . _:b76815159 . . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Macroglossum stellatarum" . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Hylaeus communis" . _:b76815158 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Lasioglossum fulvicorne" . . . . . "Plantae" . . . _:b76035654 . _:b73578642 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status DD" . . _:b76035654 . _:b73578646 . . . _:b73578662 . . . . . . . _:b73578641 . . _:b73578647 . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73578647 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status DD" . . . . _:b75450487 "29078" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . _:b76390481 . _:b73578658 . _:b73578655 . . . . _:b73578640 . . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73578663 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578643 . _:b73578652 . . _:b73578649 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73578662 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73578642 . . _:b73578661 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Polyommatus amandus" . _:b73578660 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578648 . _:b73578644 . _:b73578650 . _:b73578659 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . . "Caille-lait blanc"@co . _:b73578657 "Galium mollugo var. mollugo has IUCN Red List status NT" . _:b73578649 . . _:b73578647 "IUCN Red List status DD" . _:b73578658 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578648 . _:b73578651 . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Cheilosia vernalis" . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Syritta pipiens" . _:b73578662 . "Gaillet commun"@co . _:b73578663 . "Galium mollugo symbiotically interacts with Legnotus picipes" . _:b73578654 . . _:b73578661 . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73578641 . _:b73578660 . . _:b76241565 . . . . _:b73578642 "IUCN Red List status DD" . . . . _:b76035654 . _:b75450487 "BDTFX id" . . _:b76035654 "9039392" . . _:b73578654 "Biogeographical status P (Pr\u00E9sent (indig\u00E8ne ou ind\u00E9termin\u00E9)) in France m\u00E9tropolitaine" . . . . "parasitized by (statement)" . . . . _:b73578660 . . . . . _:b73578656 . _:b73578658 . _:b73578659 . "Galium" . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Timarcha goettingensis" . _:b73578662 "Galium mollugo var. mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . _:b76035654 "GBIF id" . _:b73578645 . . _:b73578659 . "pollinated by (statement)" . . _:b73578658 . . . . _:b73578657 . . . . . _:b73578656 . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73578663 . _:b73578659 . _:b73578658 . . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Halidamia affinis" . _:b73578662 . _:b73578661 . _:b76390481 . . "Gaillet Mollugine"@co . _:b73578650 . _:b73578660 . _:b73578656 . _:b73578656 . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Halidamia affinis" . _:b73578649 . . . _:b76241565 "IPNI id" . . . . . . . . . . . _:b73578644 "Galium mollugo has biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon" . _:b76528727 "wfo-0000969499" . _:b73578654 . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Hylaeus gredleri" . _:b73578661 . . _:b73578660 . _:b73578648 . _:b73578641 . _:b73578646 . _:b73578649 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b73578662 . _:b73578663 . _:b76815158 . _:b73578653 "Galium mollugo has biogeographical status I (Introduit) in TAAF : \u00CEles sub-antarctiques" . _:b73578650 . _:b76815159 . . _:b73578651 . _:b76528727 . _:b73578644 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73578652 . . "Rubiaceae" . . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Adia cinerella" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Diacrisia purpurata" . _:b76491482 "kew-86839" . _:b73578639 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b76241565 "750253-1" . _:b73578655 . _:b73578640 . _:b76491482 "The Plant List (TPL) id" . _:b73578642 . "Rubioideae" . _:b73578642 . . . . _:b73578640 . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73578643 . . . _:b73578647 . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Dolichopus latilimbatus" . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . _:b73578645 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73578646 . . _:b73578663 . _:b73578657 . _:b73578655 . . . . . . . _:b73578652 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578646 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73578644 . "pollinated by (statement)" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . _:b73578639 . _:b73578645 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578645 . . _:b73578644 "Biogeographical status I (Introduit) in Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon" . "Hedge Bedstraw"@en . _:b73578640 . "pollinated by (statement)" . . _:b73578655 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578643 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578643 . . _:b73578648 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b76815158 . . "750253-1" . _:b76508476 . . . _:b76815159 . _:b73578649 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . _:b73578650 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578661 . "parasitized by (statement)" . _:b73578640 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b76390481 "TROPICOS id" . _:b73578651 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578639 . _:b73578655 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578639 . . "Caille-lait blanc"@fr . . _:b73578657 . . . . _:b73578645 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73578653 . . _:b73578646 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73578652 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Leucophora sericea" . _:b76815159 "Gaillet commun, Gaillet Mollugine, Caille-lait blanc"@fr . _:b73578654 . _:b73578653 . . _:b73578656 "IUCN Red List status DD" . _:b73578651 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . . . . . _:b73578645 . . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Sphecodes longulus" . _:b73578640 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73578650 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Dyroderes umbraculatus" . . . . _:b73578649 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . . _:b73578651 . . _:b73578648 "Galium mollugo has IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578654 . "Galium mollugo is parasitized by Erysiphe galii" . _:b73578643 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b73578647 . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73578660 . "Gaillet Mollugine"@fr . . "9039392" . _:b75450487 . . . _:b73578653 . _:b73578650 . _:b75450487 . _:b73578639 "IUCN Red List status LC" . _:b76390481 "27900093" . _:b73578649 . _:b73578648 . _:b73578651 . _:b76815158 "Gaillet Mollugine"@fr . . "9009" . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . . "27900093" . "Gentianales" . . _:b73578652 . _:b73578643 . _:b73578642 . . _:b73578640 . "29078" . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Aphis galiiscabri" . "Gaillet commun"@fr . "99473" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . . . . _:b76508476 "9009" . _:b73578655 . . "kew-86839" . . . . . . . . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . "pollinated by (statement)" . . _:b76241565 . . . . _:b73578646 . _:b73578641 . . . _:b76815159 "Gaillet commun" . . _:b76241565 . . _:b73578647 . . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Timarcha tenebricosa" . . . . . "symbiotically interacts with (statement)" . _:b73578642 . . . . _:b76815158 . . . . . . _:b76815159 . _:b73578659 . . . . . . _:b73578646 . "provides nutrients for (statement)" . _:b76815158 . . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Seladonia subaurata" . _:b76815159 . . . _:b73578657 "IUCN Red List status NT" . _:b73578657 . _:b73578658 . . _:b73578650 . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73578656 . . _:b73578659 . . . "pollinated by (statement)" . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Chamaesphecia aerifrons" . _:b73578652 . _:b73578660 . . . . _:b73578661 . . _:b73578655 . _:b73578656 . _:b73578653 . _:b73578662 . . _:b76508476 . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Dolichopus latilimbatus" . _:b73578663 . . . _:b76508476 . . . _:b73578653 . . . . _:b73578645 . . . . _:b73578639 . . . . "Galium mollugo provides nutrients for Aglaostigma aucupariae" . _:b73578647 . . . . _:b73578662 . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Lasioglossum laticeps" . . _:b73578648 . "Galium mollugo symbiotically interacts with Legnotus limbosus" . _:b76815158 "Gaillet Mollugine" . _:b73578661 . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73578659 . . "Galium mollugo is pollinated by Lasioglossum politum" . _:b73578660 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . "pollinated by (statement)" . _:b73578654 . . . . _:b73578643 . _:b73578661 "IUCN Red List status LC" . . . .